Does different type of light effect plant growth? Question
Hypothesis I think that the yellow light will grow best.
Materials 1. SOIL (DIRT) 2. WATER (PURIFIED) 3. CONTAINER (POT) 4. PLANT (all ready grown 5. TYPES OF LIGHT BULBS (florescent, halogen, blue, real sunlight, yellow light) 6. FLAT SURFACE (table or counter) 7. PENCIL 8. RECORDING SHEET 9. DISH 10. LAMP (The light thingy) 11. A PLUG 12. ON AND OFF SWTCH 13. THE THINGY TO TWIST THE LIGHT BULB ON. 14. GET A RULER (cm.) (to measure the plant).
Procedures 1. Water the plant (water it even) 2.Get pencil and data sheet 3. Ruler 4. Measure the plant by cm. 5.Write down the data 6.Pull out any weeds if there is any 7.Repeat on the next plant (repeat with others)
Photos and video from project
Community connection project Kayla Nokeo Does different type of light effect plant growth? Replace the green houses and houses with halogen light bulbs because we don’t get a lot of sunlight in Seattle. Halogen grew the tallest out of all the other plants that we grew with the others and that one grew straighter than the other 3.
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