Suppression products
Suppression products FlexiFOG Water Mist Systemer FlexiFOAM Systemer CO2 High Pressure FM200 Kidde Wet Chemical - Deep Fat Frier SDA AutroSafe - Smoke Detection Aspiration
FlexiFOG Water mist Local protection machinery space according to IMO MSC Circ. 913 Low pressure water mist system for protection of engine top, boilers, incinerators and purifiers.
FlexiFOG Water mist Total flooding machinery space according to IMO MSC Circ. 1165 Low pressure water mist system for protection of machinery space category A and pump rooms up to 3340 m3, 10,10 meter height
FlexiFOG Water mist Accommodation water mist according to IMO MSC Res. 265(84) Low pressure water mist system for protection of public space, corridors, cabins, shopping and storage.
Foam Systems Tank deck Heli deck Machinery space cat. A and RO-RO deck Foam monitor systems for tank deck and heli deck. Machinery space cat. A and RO-RO deck Outside air high expansion foam systems, expansion ratio 1 : 1000
Foam Systems High Expansion
Foam Systems
Gaseous Systems CO2-High pressure CO2 high pressure systems for protection of category A machinery space, pump rooms and cargo space. CO2-cylinders to be located within a separate CO2-room. The system is activated pneumatic, electric or manually. CO2-cylinder bank from 1 to 600 cylinders.
Gaseous Systems FM200 FM 200 systems for protection of category A machinery space and pump rooms. Cylinders are distributed within the protected space
Gaseous Systems Space requirement for various types of gaseous systems
Wet Chemical System Wet chemical system for protection of deep fat fryers
SDA AutroSafe Smoke Detection Aspiration system for fire detections with special category space (cargo holds). CO2-pipes are used for air suction through the detector box. The system can be integrated with the ships fire detection AutroSafe system.