Astronomy Fly Swatter Game #1 (Pictures). Heliocentric model Sun Earth Earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Astronomy Fly Swatter Game #1 (Pictures)

Heliocentric model Sun Earth Earth

Rocky, Inner Planets Sun Earth Earth

Has LIFE Sun Earth Earth

Geocentric Model Sun Earth Earth

The “Big Bang” Theory Sun Earth Earth

The Asteroid Belt Sun Earth Earth

Milky Way Galaxy Sun Earth Earth

Gaseous, Outer Planets Sun Earth Earth

The lightest planet with the biggest rings Sun Earth Earth

Astronomy Fly Swatter Game #2 (Vocabulary)

The hottest planet

Sun centered solar system

The biggest planet, has a huge storm eye

The Theory on how the universe started

The red planet

Covered by 70% water and has life

Billions of rocks orbiting the sun; located between Mars and Jupiter

The inner planets similar because they are all

Earth centered solar system

The outer planets are similar because they are all

The closest planet to the Sun

The planet with the biggest rings

The group of planets that have gaseous surfaces

No longer a planet, it is now a dwarf planet

A word that means “Earth”

The group of planets that have rocky surfaces