Quick Lab: Understanding the process of sublimation Heain Aung And Zach Miller Period 3 Mrs. La Salle
Materials: - Small Pieces of Air Freshener -Small Shallow Container -2 Clear 8 oz plastic Cups -Hot Tap Water -Ice -3 thick cardboard Strips
Safety First!
First add the air freshener to a cup
Add the cardboard to the cup.
Add the second cup over the first but make sure that the second cup doesn’t touch the air freshener.
Add ice to the top cup but make sure no ice or water touches the freshener
Fill the container up with hot tap water. About 1/3 full
Observe what happens!
Analyze 1 Sublimation is the change of substance from a solid to a vapor without having to pass through the liquid state. 2 I have came to a clear understanding that the solids in the experiment were sitting in room temperature water it wouldn’t have worked. The process would have not been able to skip the liquid state in order to change state. If the water was in boiling water I understand that the solid will go directly from solid state to a gaseous state. When cooled it goes from gaseous to solid. 3 The temperatures will affect the states in the transformation from a solid to vapor pressure. This can be done by the exceed atmospheric pressure.