Big Idea 2 : The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge Description A: Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence and is appropriate for understanding the natural world. But it provides only a limited understanding of the supernatural, aesthetic, or other ways of knowing, such as art, philosophy, or religion. B: Scientific knowledge is durable and robust but open to change. C: Because science is based on empirical evidence scientists strive for objectivity. But as it is a human endeavor, the processes, methods, and knowledge of science include subjectivity, as well as creativity and discovery.
Benchmark Number & Descriptor SC.7.N.2.1 Identify an instance from the history of science in which scientific knowledge has changed when new evidence or new interpretations are encountered.
SCIENCE THEORIES Science works according to certain rules. One of them is that when a scientist has a new idea that he or she thinks is right, he/she publishes his/her results so scientists all around the world can check his/her results. If their experiments agree with his, his theory will be accepted as correct. But it doesn't stop there. Other scientists will take the theory and build on it, attempting to explain the way our world works. Eventually the theory will be the basis of many other theories, and all of them may accurately describe, predict, or explain the way things work. But, surprisingly, this does not necessarily mean that the original theory was 'correct'! It all depends what you mean by 'correct'.
ACCEPTABLE SCIENTIFIC THEORIES Big Bang Theory The universe has expanded from hot, dense, gaseous conditions. Tectonic Plate Theory The surface of the earth is composed of tectonic plates which move slowly. Atomic Theory All matter is made up of atoms. Theory of Matter and Energy Matter and Energy are always conserved. Cell Theory Cells form the foundation, the basic unit of all living organisms. Theory of Evolution All life on earth evolved from simple forms.
UNACCEPTABLE SCIENTIFIC THEORIES No theory is 100% correct. Theories may change due to new advancements in abilities/technologies of testing them. In order to falsify a theory, evidence must be presented which contradicts what the theory says. Theory of Acquired Characteristics An organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring. Theory of Spontaneous Generation Life can be generated from inanimate objects. Geocentric Theory Earth was the center of the Solar System. Check this website for more information:
KNOWLEDGE CHECK Why is it important for scientists to publish their theories within the scientific community? Name 2 scientific theories which are now considered unacceptable, and name an acceptable replacement theory.
KNOWLEDGE CHECK Why is it important for scientists to publish their theories within the scientific community? Other scientists will take the theory and build on it, attempting to explain the way our world works. Eventually the theory will be the basis of many other theories, and all of them may accurately describe, predict, or explain the way things work. Name 2 scientific theories which are now considered unacceptable, and name an acceptable replacement theory. Geocentric Theory was replaced with the Heliocentric Theory; Theory of Acquired Characteristics was replaced with the Theory of Natural Selection.