Scientific questions related to the representation of the coupled continental surface/atmosphere system in the IPSL CM Contributions: F. Cheruy (1), S. Ait-Mesbah (1), A. Campoy (2), A. Ducharne (2), J.L. Dufresne (1), J.C. Dupont (3), M.A. Foujols (3), J. Ghattas (3), M. Gimberteau (2), M. Haeffelin (3), F. hourdin (1) and in a short furtur F. Wang (post doc, 1) 1-LMD, 2-Sisyphe, 3-IPSL
Potential (local and LS) couplings and feedbacks between SM and climate Seneviratne et al Latent/sensible partition clouds/radiation Convection/PBL evolution to surface fluxes Convection (surface heterogeneities) Vegetation General circulation clouds
Impact of the new hydrological module in the near surface climate simulated with LMDZOR Strenghts and weaknesses of the soil/atmosphere coupling in the IPSL-CM Impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: the IPSL participation to GLACE-CMIP5 experiment Role of the vegetation?
Impact of the new hydrological module in the near surface climate simulated with LMDZOR
Trop chaud Sans biais SIRTA Analyse des simulations LMDZ « zoomé-guidé » au SIRTA ORC11 augmente la fraction évaporative
Development of the 1D version of LMDZ coupled with Orchidee LMDZ-1D LMDZ 3D zoomé guidé surface
AR4OR2(K) AR4OR11(K) Biais en température à 2m, JJA,réf. CRU Near surfaceTemperature biais in CMIP5 AMIP Summer, Europe
Strenghts and weaknesses of the soil/atmosphere coupling in the IPSL-CM
Latent flux/rnet correlations JJA AMIP period FORCED COUPLED (SP) ORC11ORC2 From the forced to the coupled simulations
CMIP5-AMIP Runoff/Precip HFLS/(HFLS+HFSS) Runoff/Precip HFLS/(HFLS+HFSS) JJA Sahel Europe
R ORC11-forced ORC11 coupled SPORC2 coupled SP ORC2 forced
Impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: the IPSL participation to GLACE-CMIP5 experiment
GLACE-CMIP5: Impact of soil moisture- climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: CMIP5 historical + RCP85 ( ), SST, Sea Ice et land cover from the « master » RCP85 Participating : GFDL, ECHAM6, CSM, IPSL-CM5A, Ec-Earth G1A85: Seasonal cycle of soil moisture prescribed as climatology from CMIP5 master experiment G1B85: Seasonal cycle of soil moisture prescribed as transient climatology, running mean over 30 year periods[ CMIP5 mascter RCP8.5]
Differences G1B85/G1A : T2m GLACE IPSL-CM5A Mean projected decrease of SM impacts regionally mean and extreme daily maximum of temperatures in summer through SM induced changes in the evaporative cooling. Precipitation impacted as well.
Role of the vegetation?
CMIP5/RCP8.5 Latent heat flux over land years W/m Evaporation simulated with CMIP5 ESM which account for the carbone cycle seems to behave differently
CMIP5 (1% CO2, LAND) Fixclim The increase of CO2 impacts the vegetation only, the radiation Is calculate with CO2 from the control experiment Fdbk1 CNRM MPI IPSL