2 World Class Engineering Sky Hunter has invested millions of dollars over 13 years developing this cutting-edge technology; with engineering by McDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)- creators of the CanadArm (on The Internatioal Space Station) and RadarSat satellite constellation. Patented by Sky Hunter Corp (additional patents pending).
3 Why It Works…Redox potential The Ionosphere has a positive charge…the earth has a negative “charge”. The electrical- potential is greater than 500,000 volts between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Micro seeps (ionic emissions) do not follow faults in the earth. Negatively charged hydrocarbon ions are pulled vertically from oil/gas reservoirs to the atmosphere. OUR SYSTEM: SAMPLE LINE
4 Where It Works…Anywhere a plane can fly Sky Hunter’s technology works off shore, on shore and over transition zones regardless of ice, rock, vegetation or water Sky Hunter’s system works in all seasons, where ever it is safe to fly (except in electrical storms or rain) Samples are being emitted from the earth continuously, a collection scoop is mounted on the nose of the airplane
5 Ion Collection Scoop Sky Hunter’s proprietary hydrocarbon-ion collection system is mounted on the nose of a twin-engine aircraft. It allows >99% of the air to flow through while concentrating the hydrocarbon ion sample
6 How it Works…patented technology Surveys have been flown at 50 meters line spacing up to 500 meters between lines. Data is collected twice per second, data points are GPS referenced < 40 meters along each line. Over 120,000 kms have been logged on shore and off shore. Sample collection scoop directs the concentrated hydrocarbon ions to three on- board sensors. The system is proven to be highly sensitive, repeatable, robust and accurate. Hydrocarbon-ion sensors engineered by MDA are designed to produce three data sets: oil, NGLs and methane.
7 Three Detectors…three maps per survey Dry Gas Footprint MapOil 1 Footprint MapOil2 Footprint Map Dry GasOil 1Oil 2 Primarily methanePropane & heavier fractionPentane & heavier fraction Indicates dry gasIndicates gas condensate or oilIndicates oil Algorithms are continually improved to maximize the information being produced from the data collection system
8 CORPORATE PRESENTATION 2013 Q3 OIL SANDS SURVEY Sky Hunter flew JIP oil sands surveys for Devon, Cenovus, Suncor and Husky to validate the sensitivity of the system. The most common oil sands extraction system is Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD). Many pairs of horizontal wells are drilled into the pay zone. The survey (shown on the next slide) detected these SAGD wells….
9 Sky Hunter’s results…Amazing Two JIP partners have committed to another survey. A visualization/data integration project is under development for the other two partners. Sky Hunter detected the SAGD wells, Matched to SAGD well locations. remaining oil and depleted zones. Note: the wells on the right have been depleted
10 CORPORATE PRESENTATION Large Offshore Examples
11 No Environmental Impact Before THANK YOU! For more information, please contact Mark Fawcett Mobile After Before After