R&D OPPORTUNITIES IN GEOENERGY AND CCS A presentation by: EEF Lunch debate Strasbourg, March 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

R&D OPPORTUNITIES IN GEOENERGY AND CCS A presentation by: EEF Lunch debate Strasbourg, March 2009

INDEX Research in geoenergy after the new EU strategy on Hydrocarbon systems and security of supply Clean coal as a valuable energy source Geothermal energy, a hot topic in many European countries Geological storage of CO 2 is needed now Research and technological development to fight the crisis in sectors supporting tens of thousands of employees in Europe

RESEARCH IN GEOENERGY Research is needed to fully exploit potential of, and synergies between, primary energy sources Energy technology is one of Europe´s prime export sectors New developed technologies and highly trained professional workforce is needed for future exploitation There is a need for sustained research into renewing the resource base and transforming reserve supplies

HYDROCARBON SYSTEMS AND SECURITY OF SUPPLY North Sea is now a mature oil province, use of EOR through captured CO 2 can highly increase reserves Europe can support sustainable development of resources in difficult settings Gas resources from unconventional deposits could provide valuable energy if exploited with skill Use of geological structures for oil and gas storages provides opportunities for strategic hydrocarbon supply

Innovative recovery methods can sensibly increase available resources Heavy oil and tar sands, tight gas or oil shales can bring considerable resources to tap Environmentally acceptable exploitation is the real challenge HYDROCARBON SYSTEMS AND SECURITY OF SUPPLY

CLEAN COAL Deeply buried coal resources remain to be developed in Europe Novel drilling techniques can support in-situ gasification and Coal Bed Methane (CBM) exploitation ECBM recovery is also available as a clean technology Synergies between traditional coal and innovative hydrocarbon industries should be promoted

Available renewable energy source. Wider use needed R&D needed to make this source competitive in different oil price scenarios Combination with other heat storages can be made available in the proximity of urban areas GEOTHERMAL ENERGY

Large scale application of CCS is a promising solution for Europe to fulfill strategy commitments related to GHG emissions Geological investigation is widely needed to find available storages Safety of these storages will be a great challenge in the near future Storage research will also be useful for other subsurface uses CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE

Energy sources are all needed Global compatible solutions have to be found in crisis scenario Complete transition to renewable energies will, at least, take a few decades Use of geological energy resources is a part of these global solutions Research solutions can position European industries in the leading situation safeguarding employment and environment RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT