SOES6002: Modelling in Environmental and Earth System Science CSEM Lecture 5 Martin Sinha School of Ocean & Earth Science University of Southampton
Recap and plan: l Yesterday: Layered models. Thin conductive layers. Frequency effects. Sea surface interaction and the ‘air wave’ l Today: The importance of geometry – end-on vs. broadside l Thin resistive layers – an important class of models
What controls signal propagation? l Signal propagation depends on: l The earth (resistivity) structure l Frequency l Both the above affect skin depths l But the transmitter is a dipole – l So it also depends on DIRECTION
Electromagnetic fields in the Earth
Geometry l The transmitter is a horizontal dipole l So signal propagation depends on horizontal angle with respect to dipole axis l Refer to this angle as ‘azimuth’ l Azimuth = 0 o – ‘end-on’ l Azimuth = 90 o – ‘broadside’
Plan view of source dipole axis and azimuth
Polarization Ellipse l The field can be decomposed physically into two non-interacting ‘modes’ l First corresponds to the radial component at the sea floor l Second corresponds to the azimuthal field at the sea floor
l These are orthogonal l Each component has an independent amplitude and phase l So when combined, they sweep out a ‘polarization ellipse’ l Broadside – no radial field l End-on – no azimuthal field
Polarisation ellipse parameters E E E E e e E E E E e e E E E E E E e e E E E E e e E E E E E E E E E E i i i i maj i i i i min cos sin cos tan cos
Azimuthal dependence of CSEM response
Thin resistive layer models l Much of the ocean floor underlain by igneous (i.e. crystalline) oceanic crust – resistive l Continental margins – thick (many km) layers of sediments l High porosities, saturated with sea water – so much lower resistivities l But hydrocarbons and methane hydrates can dramatically increase resistivity – but generally only occur in isolated thin layers
Seawater 0.3 m Sediment 1 m Reservoir 100 m 800 m 1000 m 100 m halfspace HED source Reservoir model – 1D
Compare two models l 1.5 km water depth l 1 ohm-m sediments l 50 m thick resistive layer, 180 ohm- m, buried 950 m below sea floor l Transmission frequency 0.25 Hz l End-on and broadside calculations, for both model with resistive layer and model without it
Both geometries
Result l For the end-on result, the thin layer has a huge effect on the amplitude l For the broadside result, the effect on amplitude is much smaller l Can demonstrate this more clearly by dividing the result for one model by the result for the other – ‘normalizing’
Comparing models
Why use both? l So the end-on result is more sensitive than the broadside result l So why bother to use both? l Answer is – distinguishing between classes of models l Another important case – when resistivity at depth is greater for some other reason e.g. porosity, salt …
Sediment over salt
Summary l Inline and broadside responses can be sensitive to different aspects of the structure l “Broadside” corresponds to azimuth 90 and S azim in modelling code l “Inline” corresponds to azimuth 0 and S rad in modelling code
SOES6002: Modelling in Environmental and Earth System Science CSEM Lecture 6 Martin Sinha School of Ocean & Earth Science University of Southampton
Comparing polarizations l So thin resistive layers are a class of model that leads to ‘splitting’ of amplitudes between modes l Whereas thicker resistive layers are a class of model that do not l But why should this be happening? l Need to use some physics to understand our models
Direction of currents l We can think of the source dipole as generating two polarizations of current loops l Loops in the horizontal plane – inductively coupled between layers l Loops in the vertical plane – carrying electric current across the boundaries between layers
The field lines of a dipole
Horizontal electric dipole in layered earth
Seawater 0.3 m Sediment 1 m Reservoir 100 m 800 m 1000 m 100 m halfspace HED source Reservoir model – 1D
Horizontal current loops : ‘PM Mode’
Vertical current loops : ‘TM Mode’
Direction of currents l Think of the source dipole as generating two polarizations of current loops l Loops in the horizontal plane – ‘PM Mode’ – inductively coupled between layers, main contribution to broadside l Loops in the vertical plane – ‘TM Mode’ – carrying electric current across the boundaries between layers, main contribution to inline
Effect of a thin resistive layer – in-line Fields measured at the seafloor Resistive layer Uniform+resistive layer Uniform seafloor
Effect of a thin resistive layer – broadside. Fields measured at the seafloor Resistive layer. Uniform seafloor Uniform+resistive layer
Case study 1 – Does it work in practice? The first trial survey was carried out in It was a collaborative research project between SOC, STATOIL, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and The target was a known hydrocarbon bearing reservoir. Results were presented at the 64 th Conference of the EAGE in May 2002.
DASI deployment (North Atlantic, November 2001)
Data processing Initial processing involves extracting the component of the recorded electric field which corresponds to the known source signal and combining this with acoustically derived navigation data on source and receiver locations. The resulting amplitude and phase of the received electric field as a function of source-receiver separation and geometry form the basis for analysis and interpretation.
Field data from a known reservoir
West Africa 2000: 0.25Hz data from Line 1 Electric field strengthNormalised field strength
2-D effects l In this course, we are going to limit ourselves to 1-D – i.e. uniform layers l In practice, we can also run models and analyse data in 2-D and 3-D. Models are more complex, but the principles are just the same l For example, detecting the ‘edge’ of a reservoir -
Detecting the edge of a reservoir CSEM sounding for hydrocarbon exploration: Effect of reservoir edge. 2.5 D model Transmitting dipole aligned across the structure In-line source-receiver geometry Radial field amplitude and phase
1D background 1D reservoir 2D reservoir Edge effect in survey data
CSEM sounding for hydrocarbon exploration: Effect of the edge of the reservoir 2.5-D model, invariant direction up the page, variable direction across the page Transmitting dipole aligned up the page Component shown – amplitude of Pe max Colour contours: normalised by amplitudes from a 1-D structure with no hydrocarbon White contours: absolute field values
Dipole aligned parallel to edge: l Transmitter and receiver both over reservoir: response extremely similar to the 1-D case l If either transmitter OR receiver moves off the edge of the reservoir, the signal very rapidly reverts to looking like the case for no hydrocarbon
CSEM sounding for hydrocarbon exploration: Field trials offshore West Africa, October/November 2000
West Africa 2000: 2D ‘view’ of the reservoir
Case Study 2 l Using both geometric modes is important not only for the ‘thin resistive layer’ classes of models l Having both data types has been crucial in studies of mid-ocean ridges l Example – Lau Basin study, the Valu Fa Ridge
Anatomy of an active hydrothermal system: The Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin, SW Pacific.