One Upon a Time Organic compounds – compounds obtained from living organisms Inorganic compounds – compounds obtained from non living things
Friedrich Wohler
Organic Chemistry The chemistry of Carbon Containing compounds
CARBON A major field of chemistry is devoted to the study of carbon. (Organic Chemistry) Most carbon compounds come from living things or things that were once alive. Carbon is sometimes referred to as the element of life. 2% abundance by mass in earth’s crust 95% of all know compounds are carbon compounds
Carbon atoms can bond to themselves forming very strong bonds. Carbons bonded together can for long chain molecules. These chains can contain thousands of carbon atoms. Carbon can form single, double or triple bonds. Carbon can form branched or cyclic structures Bond covalently with other atoms. Carbon always forms four (4) bonds.
HYDROCARBONS Contain only hydrogen and carbon Single bonded hydrocarbons are called alkanes Alkanes always have 2C + 2 hydrogen To name we use the root name plus ane
Isomers Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural formulas
PROPERTIES OF ALKANES Must be heavier than pentane to be a liquid at room temp At C 18 they become solid at room temp Insoluble and float on water Undergo few chemical reactions They burn producing a lot of heat
Cyclic Compounds
Unsaturated hydrocarbon A hydrocarbon with A double or triple bonds
Alkene Hydrocarbon with one or more double bonds
ETHENE Most widely produced organic chemical In the United States about 18 billion Kg per year Sometimes called vinyl Used to produce the polyethylene used in plastics Used in the production of ethylene glycol (Anti-freeze)
Alkyne Hydrocarbon with one or more triple bonds
Ethyne - Acetylene
Properties of alkenes and alkynes Similar to alkanes but more reactive will undergo addition of other elements can combine with themselves to form longer chains
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Ring or cyclic compound with alternating double bonds
Properties of Aromatics They make good solvents Burn producing lots of heat Many are harmful to the human body Toxic to animals Are found in fuels in large abundance
Halogenated Hydrocarbons