GAS QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Approximate Interchangeability Ranges BTU Est KRGT 4% inert, 15F HCDP QGC North Post-1998 Range (e.g. Little Mountain) QGC Pre-1998 Range QGC South Post – 1998 (e.g. Payson) Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Questar Gas Btu Delivery Ranges (1995 – Present) Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Gas Quality Specifications Pipeline Interconnects to QGC Minimum BTU Maximum BTU Total Inert 3%4% Total Nitrogen -3% Total CO2 -3% Hydrocarbon Dew Point- 15°F up to 800 psig Hydrocarbon Liquids Gas shall not contain anyWill contain no hydrocarbons hydrocarbon fractions that in liquid form at the might condense to free temperature & pressure at liquids under normal which the gas is delivered. pipeline operation conditions. Questar PipelineKern River Pipeline Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Gas Composition Coal Seam Gas % 0.27% % % % 2.5% ° 0.18% 1283 Uinta Basin Gas % 5.06% 1.95% 0.863% % 0.629% 70.4° 0.24% 1402 Representative Btu Specific Gravity Percent Methane(1010 Btu/Scf) Percent Ethane(1789 Btu/Scf) Percent Propane(2516 Btu/Scf) Percent Butane(3250 Btu/Scf) Percent C5+(5500+ Btu/Scf) Percent CO 2 Hydrocarbon Dewpoint* Percent Nitrogen Wobbe (W = HV/ G) * Calculated dew point at pipeline delivery pressure. Northern Gates Gas % 4.35% 1.20% 0.491% 0.315% 0.629% 40.9° 0.48% 1363 Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Liquid Gas & Liquid Gas Cricondentherm Temperature Operating Pressure Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
Cricondentherm Temperature Phase Envelope for Kern River Gas Temperature (F) Pressure (psia) Bubble PointDew PointCritical Point Gas & Liquid Gas Cricondentherm Temperature Gas Operating Pressure Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004
POTENTIAL NEW SUPPLIES THAT WILL IMPACT QUESTAR PIPELINE KRGT (Goshen) Min. – 970 Btu/CF Max.– No Limit Btu/CF QGC (Payson) Min Btu/Cf Max. – 1150 Btu/CF KRGT (Roberson Creek) TransColorado Southern Star QGC (Northern Wasatch Front) Min Btu/CF Max.– 1150 Btu/CF NPC (Clay Basin) Kanda FidlarPrice ML 40/41 ML 104 ML 40 ML 68 ML’s 1/13/15 ML 80 ML58/101 ML 22 Greasewood Oak Spring Eakin Davis Plant - 3rd Party JL 47 Overthrust Pipeline CO2 Plant CIG WIC East Fields Max. Btu-1150 Min. Btu New Developments 9 Active Producers Green River Basin Max. Btu-1176 Min. Btu New Developments 14 Active Producers Overthrust Max. Btu-1170 Min. Btu New Developments 4 Active Producers Ferron Max. Btu-1060 Min. Btu New Developments 17 Active Producers Uinta Basin Max. Btu-1150 Min. Btu New Developments 14 Active Producers Piceance Basin Max. Btu-1200 Min. Btu New Developments 12 Active Producers Powder River Basin Max. Btu Min. Btu New Developments 26 Active Producers Docket # Technical Conference October 21, 2004