Introduction n What is Enhanced Hydrogen Imaging? n Reasons for obtaining images this way: Highlights a wealth of normally unseen details Can be done with standard CCD equipment and telescopes Produces images complimentary ultra deep remote observatory shots Demonstrates the dynamics of galaxies in a dramatic fashion n Additional acquisition time is minimal n Tremendous Visual Impact with small additional effort n The Process Revealed …
Process Example: Standard LRGB NGC2903
Process Example: Enhanced LRGB NGC2903
The Process: An Overview n First make a standard LRGB n Take additional Ha frames n Subtract Red data from Ha data n Add difference to Red, Green, Blue n Recombine color image
Step 1: Create Standard LRGB
Final LRGB image
Step 2: Take Ha Frames
Step 3: Isolating the Hydrogen
Step 4: Combining Hydrogen with the LRGB
Final M82 image
Details of the Combining Process: M101 Standard LRGB initial image
Raw Hydrogen Data 4h
Extracted Red Channel from LRGB
Subtraction of Red from Hydrogen Data
Nearly Isolated Hydrogen Image
Differentiation of Stars from Nebula
Hydrogen Data with Stars Removed
Final Image after addition to RGB Channels
Enhanced Hydrogen Images Gallery
NGC 6946 in Cepheus
IC 342 in Camelopardalis
NGC 2403 in Camelopodarus
M 51 in Ursa Major
M 31 in Andromeda
NGC 6822 – Barnard ’ s Galaxy
M33 in Triangulum
M33 in Triangulum in Hydrogen Light
M33 in Triangulum Enhanced Hydrogen Image
The Finally: M33 in Triangulum
M33 in Triangulum with Enhanced Hydrogen
Conclusions n Additional time spent very worthwhile n Galaxy dynamics revealed graphically n Here is a fresh approach to astroimaging n Home results rivaling the ultra long exposures done at remote observatories