Page 1 On the move – overview of current FCH JU Projects CHIC (Clean Hydrogen In European Cities), HyLIFT-DEMO SHEL FC-HyGuide HyPROFESSIONALS HyFACTS
EHA : Membership Established in 2000 with 5 national associations, currently 19 national association and main European companies active in hydrogen infrastructure development are members Netherlands Belgium France Germany Czech Republic Hungary Italy Latvia Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Bulgaria Denmark Macedonia Slovenia
Alde Seminar March 15, 2011 Italy Abruzzo Province of Bolzano Lazio Lombardy Piemonte Province of Trento Tuscany Veneto Spain Andalusia Aragon Castilla La Mancha Catalonia Galicia Scandinavian Regions (N, SE, DK),represented by Hydrogen Sweden Flanders (Belgium) City of Ljubljana (Slovenia) City of Wroclaw (Poland) City of Torres Vedras (Portugal DutchHy (Netherlands) Pirkanmaa (Finland) HyRaMP Introduction – Members (2011) Slide 3 France Rhone Alpes Midi Pyrénées Bretagne Germany Baden-Württemberg City of Hamburg Hessen North Rhine-Westphalia United Kingdom British Midlands Outer Hybrides North East England City of London
HyRaMP Introduction European Regions and Municipalities Partnership of hydrogen and fuel cells: HyRaMP members are local authorities involved in strategic energy and transport planning. Coordination between the European Regions Harmonisation of regional activities across Europe Initiation of common inter-regional projects (actions) Towards EU Representation of the European Hydrogen regions towards the European organisations on FCH topics Harmonisation of regional, national and European policy and funding. 4
HyRaMP – Regional FCH R&D Budget Slide 5 *With data from 27 0f 30 members * ~ 42 > 82 Alde Seminar March 15, 2011
Where is the EU’ energy going? Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond - A Blueprint for an integrated European energy network - COM(2010)677: Defines EU priority corridors for the transport of electricity, gas and oil. Identifies the energy infrastructure map which will be needed to meet our 2020 energy objectives: hydrogen is mentioned 4 times in this dossier! Energy 2020, A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy - COM(2010) 639 : defines energy priorities and action-plan for the next ten years; hydrogen is mentioned. Smart Cities : DG Energy is coordinating this initiative as a joint effort with DG Enterprise and Industry and DG Research, that will select around 30 cities, based on their Sustainable Energy Action Plans: consultation deadline May 13, 2011 Europe 2020 flagships: An Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era - COM (2010)614 and Innovation Union : could provide a stepping stone for implementation of FCEVs.
EHA tracks EU Dossiers EU Clean and Energy Efficient vehicles strategy - COM (2010)186 : sets out a comprehensive strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles aiming at maximizing the decarbonisation potential in transport particular focus on public procurement vehicles: EHA is part of three Working Groups. Communication on roadmap for low-carbon economy by 2050, also with a view to determining the necessary scenarios for 2030 : will set out framework of policies and actions in a variety of policy areas, required for shift towards a resource efficient and low-carbon economy. White paper on Sustainable Transport for Europe : lays out the transport strategy for the next 10 years: came out March 28, 2011 conventionally fuelled cars will be banned from EU cities by TEN-T : The Trans European Network for Transport (TEN T) is a multi-billion program to restructure the EU’s road, maritime, rail and aviation infrastructure. Innovation Union - COM(2010) 546: will use public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and to remove bottlenecks which stop ideas reaching the market.
Clean Hydrogen In European Cities
* figures include CUTE and ECTOS fuel cell bus operation CHIC Background CUTE/ECTOS: 2001 – Demonstration of a fleet of 30 fuel cell buses in regular public transport HyFLEET:CUTE: hydrogen powered buses in public transport km* in public service, 555 tons* of H2 refuelled - More than 1 million liters of Diesel replaced - Fuel cell buses are suitable for operation in public transport - Development of a new, fuel efficient fuel cell hybrid bus concept
26 Fuel cell hybride buses will be put into regular bus service in 5 cities over the next year Clean hydrogen transport systems as a commerical reality in Europe
Objectives of CHIC The CHIC project will: implement clean urban mobility in 5 major European regions through the deployment of 26 hydrogen FC powered buses in medium sized fleets, and the enlargement of the hydrogen infrastructure systems The CHIC project will: facilitate the development of clean urban public transport systems and mobility action plans into 14 new European regions The CHIC project will: actively collaborate, transfer and secure significant key learning from previous FC projects into the CHIC stakeholders, thereby greatly accelerating the achievement of JTI and EC objectives The CHIC project will: deliver greater community understanding of ‘green’ hydrogen powered FC buses, leading to increased political acceptance and commitment
Key Facts 25 partners from 9 countries worldwide 26 fuel cell buses operated in 5 cities At least 3 different bus manufacturers 2 filling stations per city Digital projection of Phase 1 London garage and fuelling station
Hydrogen Infrastructure Goals Hydrogen fueling station capacity of 200 kg/day Average availability of fueling station 98% (based on operation time) Production efficiency for H2 between 50 and 70% H2 OPEX costs less than 10 EUR Fuel Cell Bus Goals Fuel cell lifetime greater than 6000 h Average availability of all fuel cell buses greater than 85% Average fuel consumption less than 13 kg/100 km (dep. on drive cycle) Objectives of CHIC
Phase 0 - Hamburg- Whistler, Canada - Cologne- Berlin Digital projection of Phase 0 Hamburg refuelling station Phase 0 Cologne Refuelling Station Phase 0 Whistler Canada FCH bus Will pass on the lessons from FCH bus demonstration from the Phase 0 Cities
Phase 1 Oslo Aargau Milan London 8 buses 3 buses 5 buses Bolzano/Bozen 5 buses ?
Phase 2 Engaging new cities/regions interested in new FCH bus demonstration projects And more…
The Partners Industry City representatives for Phase 0, Phase 1, Phase 2 Consultants, Universities and Research
HyLIFT-DEMO Demonstration of fuel cell-powered materials handling vehicles including infrastructure
About HyLIFT-DEMO Large scale demonstration of Fuel Cell Hydrogen (FCH) powered FLTs (Fork Lift Trucks) Two year demonstration : –30 units of tons –Fully integrated 3rd generation fuel cell systems –Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure at 3 end-user sites (Sites TBA) –4.000 hours accelerated laboratory durability tests Life time Sensitivity shock Vibration Climate exposure
Other HyLIFT-DEMO Objectives Validate value proposition & reaching of commercial and environmental targets –Data acquisition of targets: durability, efficiency and costs for 3rd generation technology Plan and secure initiation of R&D of 4th generation commercial products Ensure commercial market deployment of FCH FLTs in Europe by 2013 –Development of suggestions for European/national/regional support Mechanisms Identify future Regulation, Codes & Standard needs –To Enable commercial high volume certification & use of hydrogen powered fuel cell forklifts
FC FLT Specifications and Targets
10 Project Partners Coordinator: Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH Website: HyLIFT-DEMO Consortium
SHEL Sustainable Hydrogen Evaluation in Logistics
About SHEL Will Demonstrate: 10 units of ton FCH FLTs and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure UK Spain Turkey Market readiness of Fuel Cell Hydrogen powered (FCH) materials handling vehicles Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure End user acceptance Aims to: Accelerate early market take-up in Europe Benchmark production and system components Develop unified rapid certification and infrastructure build approval procedures Create continuation plan for further 10 demonstration sites with 200 FC FLTs
CountryDemo SiteReference H2 Scenario Practical H2 Source Refilling Method Demo Planning TurkeyPetkim Petrokyma Chemical Complex Industrial off gas hydrogen Refuelling infrastructure will be based on an existing operation developed as part of the UNIDO-ICHET Ecolift project 10 FLTs for 6 months + 5 FLTs for 6 months UKNewcastle International Airport Waste to H2Tube TrailerCurrent commercial vehicle hydrogen refuelling station (AP) 5 FLTs from Turkey for 6 months SpainCEGA LogisticsH2 from Renewables Electrolyser at site; power from the grid modular refuelling station 5 FLTs from UK for 6 months SHEL Demonstration
SHEL Consortium 13 project partners Coordinator: CIDETEC-IK4 Website:
Life Cycle Assessment Guidance for Fuel Cells and H2 Technologies
The project aims to speed up the development of hydrogen supply technologies in preparation for market rollout Fuel cells are not yet a commercial technology R & D effort is ongoing to meet efficiency, durability, cost targets Need for environmental sustainability to gain significant market shares and consumer acceptance Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) can positively affect consumer acceptance LCAs for FC-Hydrogen systems will be obligatory in the future Background
Develop for LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen production – Guidance document – Training materials – Courses studies on fuel cells and hydrogen production (August/September 2011) Based on the ILCD (International Reference Life Cycle Data System) Handbook and the ISO standards ff. The main output: Guidance Document – Product Category Rule-type guidance document based on the ILCD handbook - that is scientifically sound, industry accepted and quality assured – Will make the related information available in the ILCD Network Objectives
Includes a section for fuel cells and one for hydrogen production Guidance on performing LCA on hydrogen production and fuel cell technologies – Goal and Scope of the LCA study – Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of the LCA study – Life Cycle Impact Assessment of the LCA study – Interpretation of the LCA study – Reporting of the LCA study – Critical review of the LCA study Set of rules for specific fuel cell and hydrogen product groups Other – Data collection template – Data reporting template – Case studies Guidance Document
Relevant stakeholders are invited to a public consultation on the development of the guidance document. For more information or to take part in consultation see website: Or contact dissemination partner: 10 Project Partners Coordinators: FC- PE International Hy- ENEA Background
Development of educational programmes and training initiatives related to hydrogen technologies and fuel cells in Europe HyPROFESSIONALS
Educating future professionals is a critical step towards the widespread acceptance and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell technology The project aims to develop training initiatives for technical professionals –Develop a well-trained work-force –Secure the required mid- and long-term human resource availability Educational levels –Industry –SMEs –Educational institutions –Authorities About HyPROFESSIONALS
HyPROFESSIONALS will examine: –Funding programmes –Best educational practices –Standards of different educational systems Propose new initiatives Training pilot actions –Test and implement the initiatives, –Educational materials and didactic resources identified 2 annual workshops –Decision makers –Curriculum specialists –Educational organisations About HyPROFESSIONALS
9 project partners Coordinator: Foundation for The Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon Website: About HyPROFESSIONALS
Identification, Preparation and Dissemination of Hydrogen Safety Facts to Regulators and Public Safety Officials HyFACTS
“Coordination and Support Action (CSA)” Aims to develop and initiate dissemination of training material for: Regulators and Public Safety Officials Fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) installations and mobile applications – Public areas – Companies – Universities – Research centers – Fairgrounds – Harbor sites – And other future sites
Develop and disseminate Contemporary training material for regulators and public safety experts – Safe and environmentally friendly use of hydrogen HyFACTS
HyFACTS Consortium 6 project partners Coordinator: TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH Website: TBA
Thank You Marieke Reijalt HyRaMP: EHA: