UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Workshop “prenormative research” Brussels – 26th September 2005 UNECE / WP.29 – AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles – Global Technical Regulation ( GTR ) Christoph Albus Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Contents 1) Vehicle Regulations 2) GTR for H2/FC - vehicles 3) Role of prenormative research 4) Action plan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Contents 1) Vehicle Regulations 2) GTR for H2/FC - vehicles 3) Role of prenormative research 4) Action plan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Legislation Rules approval of vehicle types, a condition for registration (marketing) of new vehicles Type approval or self certification based on technical regulations (ECE-R, EU-Directive, FMVSS, TRIAS, …) International harmonization ensures serial production under economical conditions
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Agreements administered by WP.29 1958 Agreement (UN-ECE Regulations) 1998 Global Agreement ( Global Technical Regulations – GTR) „AC3“ „AC3“ (1997 Agreement on Periodical Technical Inspections)
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Global Technical Regulations – GTR GTR: worldwide harmonized 1)Test procedure 2)Performance requirements GTR‘s should work: Type approval Self certification
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Contents 1) Vehicle Regulations 2) GTR for H2/FC - vehicles 3) Role of prenormative research 4) Action plan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Future Hydrogen Economy Main element: Mobile Applications / Road vehicles Key Factors: R&D Cost Reduction RCS (Regulations, Codes & Standards) (Safety and Environment)
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Regulations should not be an unnecessary hurdle Balance between Urgent need to develop regulations today (“EIHP”) Economic issues Safety and environmental demands
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 WP.29-AC3 group „HFCV“ * (Hydrogen / Fuel Cell – Vehicles) Two draft ECE-R‘s LH2 / CGH2 (onboard storage systems / ^ ECE-R 67/110) Now: Adoption as European - Regulations Amendments of existing ECE-R‘s concerning HFCV HFCV GTR development * ( transport vehicle regulations)
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 SG Safety SG Environment HFCV Project management WP.29-AC3 GRSPGRPE
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Scope and Content The GTR(s) should extend to OEM vehicles (categories to be defined) powered or equipped entirely or partially by hydrogen used in an internal combustion engine, fuel cell, auxiliary power unit, heater, etc. as well as their associated storage systems (liquid, gaseous or hydrids) and cover main aspects as identified by the informal group for:
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Differences H2/FC- / conventional vehicles Hydrogen High Pressure High Voltage
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 On-board storage system safety (1) Safety of Container and Components (Lifecycles, Requalification, Performance, Purging Limits, Material Characteristics) Leakage Damage Tolerance
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 On-board storage system safety (2) Fire Protection Aging Material Characteristics Refueling Mechanical Properties
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Whole vehicle safety (1) Crashworthiness Fire Safety Hydrogen System Integrity –Normal Operation –Post-Crash
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Whole vehicle safety (3) Electric safety EMS (Electro-Magnetic-Susceptibility) - immissions - EMI (Electro-Magnetic-Integrity) - emissions - Electric-Shock Protection Normal Operation Post-Crash
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Other aspects including energy and environmental considerations Pollutant Emissions Hydrogen and Water Emissions Fuel (H2) Consumption Recycling FC Disposal / Hazardous Materials Fuel Quality Engine Power Noise
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Categorisation of items OSS, WVS, Env. + Other H2-safety, Electric Safety, Env.+ Other Normal Operation, Incidents / Accidents / Defects
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Technical Report (Review of existing regulations and standards, assessment of need of tests and research) Starting in 2004 depends on the progress of the subgroup Drafting of GTR(s)2005 – 2010 Detailed schedule of GTR process and review of organization June 2005 or January 2006 Submission of the 1 st draft to GRPE200? Final draft of the GTR(s) to WP
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Final GTR 2010 ?? Possible ways to HFCV GTR(s) steps modules 1 modules 2 one step GTR‘s
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Further aspects of gtr development Safety approach (system versus components) Performance requirements (not design defining) Future technologies Balanced Regulation (safe, but not a hurdle) Same safety level (at minimum)
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Contents 1) Vehicle Regulations 2) GTR for H2/FC - vehicles 3) Role of prenormative research 4) Action plan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 standards (voluntary) technical development (products) regulations (mandatory) prenormative research
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 standardisation bodies (ISO, …) manufacturers of hydrogen components & vehicles governments (contracting Parties) prenormative research
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Timeschedule (serial / parallel) time GTR development GTR amendment GTR approach Research „better regulation“ (basic, field experience, etc.) Research „condition“
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Timeschedule (serial / parallel) time GTR development GTR amendment GTR approach Research „better regulation“ (basic, field experience, etc.) Research „condition“
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Goal of this workshop „Prenormative research“ Overview Brainstorming Planning Preparation of international Cooperation
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Goal of this workshop „Brainstorming -Examples“ GTR Approach: Component System Aging, Cycles Leakage (crashtest) Demonstration projects, field/incident experience
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 From component to system testing justification (risk assessment) validation (test procedure) EUUS Component-approachSystem-approach Japan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Brainstorming prenormative research GTR Ansatz: Komponenten System Aging, Cycles Leakage (crashtest) Demonstration projects, field/incident experience
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Contents 1) Vehicle Regulations 2) GTR for H2/FC - vehicles 3) Role of prenormative research 4) Action plan
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Current national/regional activities (legislation) Europe: Regulation Onboard St. System (basis: two draft ECE Regulations LH2 / CGH2 from EIHP) Japan: National regulations 2005 USA: FMVSS ? GTR development
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Current national/regional activities (research) „as basis for development of regulations“ USA: 4-years Research plan for H2/FC (document distributed) USA: 4-years Research plan for H2/FC (document distributed) Europe: ?
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Alternatives for Europe do nothing and wait for US results (inactive) do the same in parallel (competition) to cooperate with US
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Duplication of work should be avoided Exchange of information Early cooperation Tuning of all activities
UN-ECE / WP.29-AC3 / HFCV Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicles - Regulations Workshop „prenormative research“ Brussels - 26th September 2005 Action plan European Activities (EIHP, HFP, HySafe conf., workshop1, etc.) Today‘s workshop HFCV meeting Tokio (Oct. 2005) ? Int. Workshop (goal: cooperation)