HOW IS HYDROGEN FUEL CREATED “A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity by an electrochemical process.” (,2014) “This reaction produces electricity, water, and heat.” There are many different types of fuel cells but the PEM fuel cell is the one used in vehicles.
PEM FUEL CELL SYSTEM (PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANE OR POLYMER ELECTROLYTE MEMBRANE) Honda Case Study: The Future of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars, Dec2011, p1-20, 20p Diagram; found on p6 “PEM fuel cells are powered by pure hydrogen or reformate.” (Honda Case study,2011) PEM fuel cells are used to power vehicles.
WHERE IS HYDROGEN FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY USED “Fuel cell technology is extensively developed in the European Union, Japan, and the U.S.” (Honda Case study,2011) “Fuel cells are used to generate electricity and hot water on board space crafts.”(Honda Case study, 2011) In fact, “Fuel cells have already been used in the Apollo space program.” (Honda Case study,2011) “Fuel cells are unique in terms of the variety of their potential applications; they can provide energy for systems as large as a utility power station and as small as a laptop computer.” (,2014) “Fuel cell technology has only recently began developing for the consumer market.” (Honda Case Study, 2011) The reason for the development is due to a demand for highly efficient and clean sources of energy.
BENEFITS OF HYDROGEN FUEL FOR TRANSPORTATION “No moving parts” (Honda Case Study,2011). “Works quietly and without vibration” (Honda Case Study,2011). “High reliability” (Honda Case Study,2011). “Minimal greenhouse gas emissions” ("Fuel Cell Vehicles,“2014). “Reduces oil dependence” ("Fuel Cell Vehicles,“2014). “Less air pollutants” ("Fuel Cell Vehicles,“2014).
CHALLENGES OF HYDROGEN FUEL FOR TRANSPORTATION Lack of infrastructure. Getting Hydrogen to Consumers (“Fuel Cell Vehicles,”2014) “Hydrogen fuel is more expensive than crude oil because there is no infrastructure in place yet” (Honda Case Study,2011) Vehicle Cost ("Fuel Cell Vehicles,“2014). Onboard hydrogen storage ("Fuel Cell Vehicles,“2014). Public Acceptance (,2014)
PROJECTED TRANSPORTATION FUEL CELL SYSTEM COST Source: “DOE has reduced the cost of automotive fuel cells from $106/kW in 2006 to $55/kW in 2013 and is targeting a cost of $30/kW.” (,2014) “$30/kw is almost the same as the cost of producing power in a combustion engine but the by product of fuel cells is water.” ("Fuel Cells Still Face Barriers to Widespread Adoption,"2014. )
CONCLUSION I would say that based on the research that without a proper infrastructure this type of fuel is not going to work yet. However, when the infrastructure is built and there are a lot of stations available to fuel at, I could see this become the future of transportation. The main reasons I feel it could be the future of transportation it has the ability to be refueled just as fast as gasoline power cars. It has very low emissions and is much better for the environment. Reduces the needs of oil. The negatives are not about the hydrogen fuel itself but the infrastructure. The fuel itself does not seem to have many negatives, other than onboard vehicle storage but once that is improved. Hydrogen fuel seems perfect to be an energy for the future of transportation.
CITATIONS Honda Case Study: The Future of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars. S.l.: Datamonitor Plc, Internet resource. Wipke, Keith B, Sam Sprik, and Jennifer Kurtz. Controlled Hydrogen Fleet and Infrastructure Analysis. Golden, Colo.: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Internet resource. Melendez, Margo. Transitioning to a Hydrogen Future: Learning from the Alternative Fuels Experience. Golden, Colo: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Internet resource. "Fuel Cell Vehicles." Fuel Cell Vehicles. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 July "" Accomplishments and Progress. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Aug "Fuel Cells Still Face Barriers to Widespread Adoption." Engineering News -. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Aug