1 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov Fuel Cells Technologies Office Channing Ahn, IPA (Caltech) U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office 10/28/2014
2 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Integrated and structured effort to address all the key challenges and obstacles facing widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cells in a wide range of applications 2020 Targets by Application *For Natural Gas **For Biogas H 2 Storage Cost (700-bar tank) Fuel Cell Cost and Durability H 2 Cost (delivered and dispensed at pump) $40/kW 5,000 hrs80,000 hrs $1,000/kW* $1,500/kW** <$ 4/gge $ 10/kWh
3 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Budget 1 Hydrogen Fuel R&D includes Hydrogen Production & Delivery R&D and Hydrogen Storage R&D 2,3 See back-up Key Targets Fuel Cells: Automotive: $40/kW, 5000 hrs. by 2020, ultimate $30/kW Stationary: $1,000/kW (natural gas), $1,500/kW (biogas), 80,000 hrs. Hydrogen cost: <$4/ gge by 2020 Funding ($ in thousands) FY 2014 FY 2015 Key Activity RequestApprop.Request House Mark Senate Mark Fuel Cell R&D37,50032,42233,000 Hydrogen Fuel R&D 1 38,50034,46736,283 36,300 Manufacturing R&D 4,0002,8793,000 Systems Analysis3,000 Technology Validation 6,000 11,0006,000 Safety, Codes and Standards 7,0006,9097,000 Market Transformation 3,0002,8413,0005,0173,000 NREL Site-wide Facilities Support 1,000 1,700 SBIR/STTR , TBD Total$100,000$92,928$92,983$100,000$93,000
4 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov Sandia P&D, S, SC&S Pacific Northwest P&D, S, FC, SC&S, A Oak Ridge P&D, S, FC, A, SC&S Lawrence Berkeley FC, A DOE Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Program Federal Agencies Industry Partnerships & Stakeholder Assn’s. Tech Teams (U.S. DRIVE) Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) Hydrogen Utility Group ~ 65 projects with 50 companies H2USA Universities ~ 50 projects with 40 universities State & Regional Partnerships California Fuel Cell Partnership California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative SC H 2 & Fuel Cell Alliance Upper Midwest Hydrogen Initiative Ohio Fuel Coalition Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology DOC DOD DOE DOT EPA GSA DOI DHS P&D = Production & Delivery; S = Storage; FC = Fuel Cells; A = Analysis; SC&S = Safety, Codes & Standards; TV = Technology Validation, MN = Manufacturing International IEA Implementing agreements – 25 countries International Partnership for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells in the Economy – 17 countries & EC − Interagency coordination through staff-level Interagency Working Group (meets monthly) − Assistant Secretary-level Interagency Task Force mandated by EPACT NASA NSF USDA USPS National Laboratories National Renewable Energy Laboratory P&D, S, FC, A, SC&S, TV, MN Argonne A, FC, P&D, SC&S Los Alamos S, FC, SC&S Other Federal Labs: Jet Propulsion Lab, National Institute of Standards & Technology, National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) Lawrence Livermore P&D, S, SC&S Savannah River S, P&D Brookhaven S, FC Idaho National Lab P&D External Input Annual Merit Review & Peer Evaluation H2 & Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee National Academies, GAO, etc. Collaborations
5 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov Thank You New energy data initiative to share the latest energy information and data. Please visit: hydrogenandfuelcells.energy.gov
6 | Fuel Cell Technologies Officeeere.energy.gov Analysis by ANL, NRL and EERE shows that FCVs fueled by Hydrogen from NG can reduce petroleum use by nearly 100% Well-to-Wheels Petroleum Energy Use for 2035 Mid-Size Car (BTUs per mile ) Well-to-Wheels Petroleum Energy Use Low/medium/high: sensitivity to uncertainties associated with projected fuel economy of vehicles and selected attributes of fuels pathways, e.g., electricity credit for biofuels, electric generation mix, etc. Source: Program Record 13005Program Record 13005