Hydrogen Fuel Cells - How they make electricity
Sources- Works Cited Wright, Steve. "A Basic Overview of Fuel Cell Technology." Collecting the History of Fuel Cells The Smithsonian Institution. 07 Apr Bushby, Dr. Lisa. "Hydrogen Fuel Cells." Energy of the Future. 22 Aug Apr
Background Information Scientific Definitions: - 2 electrodes: anode(+) & cathode (-) - Electrolyte (carries charges) - Catalyst (speeds reaction) Fuel Cell Basics - needs a fuel to work - needs many cells
What is a Fuel Cell? Chemical reaction generates voltage Unlike battery- no recharge chemical reaction = electrons flow→circuit; supply load with energy
How does it work? Hydrogen enters and loses electron at anode Proton →electrolyte, electron →circuit O 2 enters at cathode, O 2 + p + + e - = H 2 O
How does it Work?-Continued Only emission =(H 2 O) water vapour
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