B9 Coal Deploying Fuel Cells to Generate Cheap, Clean Electricity from Fossil Fuels.


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Presentation transcript:

B9 Coal Deploying Fuel Cells to Generate Cheap, Clean Electricity from Fossil Fuels

Efficiency Cost of the CCS Captures upwards of 90% CO 2 Lower cost Flexible output High reliability Lower environmental footprint Scaleable Key advantages of IGFC power plants The next step in the CCS revolution… …transforming coal from the dirtiest fossil fuel to the cleanest B9 Coal present the next step in the CCS clean energy revolution employing a unique Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (IGFC) process Addressing both the rising cost of energy and the need to reduce global CO 2 emissions it combines the gasification of coal with the use of hydrogen to generate electricity with fuel cells

A revolution in clean energy generation B9 Coal Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Gas Separation AFC Energy’s Alkaline Fuel Cell System Surface Coal Gasification (SCG) Carbon Transport and Storage

Coal can be reacted at high temperatures with a controlled amount of oxygen to produce synthesis gas (syngas) Gasification

Gasifying coal in situ carries additional commercial and environmental advantages Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)

Syngas is cleaned of impurities and split into near pure streams of hydrogen and carbon dioxide Gas Separation

The most efficient way of producing electricity from hydrogen AFC Energy’s Alkaline Fuel Cell

Using the hydrogen from syngas AFC Energy’s fuel cell system is the cheapest, cleanest and most flexible way to produce electricity from fossil fuels Large Scale Energy Generation

Depleted Gas/Oil Field Saline Aquifer Pipeline Transport Compressed CO 2 is transported in a dense, liquid like phase Better economically and environmentally than shipping Large-scale transportation of CO 2 in pipelines has taken place for over 30 years in the US Case Study: Snøhvit project, North Sea Came on stream in 2007, transports 700,000 tonnes CO 2 per year for 145km from a liquid natural gas facility to the Snøhvit oil and gas field Saline Aquifers Aquifers are sandstone formations that hold saline water CO 2 is pumped into the sandstone, filling the pore spaces Largest capacity storage options Case Study: The Sleipner Project, North Sea 250km off coast of Norway, around 1 million tonnes CO 2 removed from the Sleipner West Gas Field per annum and injected into aquifer 800m below seabed Depleted gas fields  Sandstone formations that held natural gas  The shale cap which once prevented the gas from escaping now holds in the CO 2  Potential field location and geology already well known  Reduced costs - number of existing pipelines and rigs could be used  Confidence - millions of tonnes of gas and oil already stored securely  UK well suited - close to North Sea gas fields Captured carbon dioxide is compressed, transported and stored in geological structures to prevent its escape into the atmosphere Carbon Transport and Storage Compression Compressed to reduce volume Compressed to dense phase >90bar Ship Transport Trucks or ships are suitable for transportation of small volumes or over long distances CO 2 is liquefied for ship transport Shipping of liquefied CO 2 similar to shipping liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)

A revolution in clean energy generation B9 Coal Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Gas Separation AFC Energy’s Alkaline Fuel Cell System Surface Coal Gasification (SCG) Carbon Transport and Storage

B9 Coal present… …a game-changing clean energy proposition Clean Potential for upwards of 90% carbon capture Green Small footprint power plants: no turbines or other heavy infrastructure; AFC Energy’s fuel cells are made from lightweight recyclable materials and cartridges are refurbishable Efficient Alkaline fuel cells are the most efficient way of converting hydrogen to electricity; carbon capture as part of the process with no loss of efficiency Low cost Minimal infrastructure means low capital costs; AFC Energy’s fuel cells are cheap to manufacture; low running costs as fuel cell maintenance is simple Small footprint No turbines, minimal infrastructure Fully scalable Modular nature of the fuel cells means capacity can be increased to meet demand Load following Modular fuel cell system allows output to be increased or decreased with no loss in efficiency Reliable Alkaline Fuel Cells are % reliable as they are a solid state technology

B9 Projects in action… Project plan Powerfuel is constructing a large scale IGCC power station with carbon capture capability at Hatfield site Initial construction will involve 800 MW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) facility optimised for 'syngas' conversion and operation Powerfuel to convert CCGT plant into 900 MW IGCC power station fuelled by extensive coal resources at Hatfield colliery The syngas can be used to produce hydrogen as a feedstock for 330 MW of alkaline fuel cells power generation …300MW installation alongside IGCC plant

B9 Coal… …the future of clean energy B9 Coal ’s low cost, flexible, clean energy proposition will revolutionise the way we produce electricity, providing an essential step in the move to a low carbon future and acting as a global template for clean energy generation.