The Cosmic Evolution of Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas University of Sydney Colloquium 27 November 2014 Philip Lah
Collaborators: Frank Briggs (ANU) Jayaram Chengalur (NCRA) Matthew Colless (ANU) Roberto De Propris (FINCA) Michael Pracy (USyd) Jonghwan Rhee (UWA)
Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas in Galaxies
Galaxy M33: optical
Galaxy M33: HI 21-cm emission
Galaxy M33: optical and HI
Galaxy M33: optical
Why Study Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas?
HI Gas and Star Formation neutral atomic hydrogen gas cloud (HI) molecular gas cloud (H 2 ) star formation
The Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation
The History of Star Formation in the Universe
Why Study Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas? Because you can measure it!
The Cosmic Evolution of HI Gas
HI density – nothing
How to measure? 1. HI 21-cm Emission
Neutral atomic hydrogen creates 21 cm radiation proton electron
Neutral atomic hydrogen creates 21 cm radiation
Neutral atomic hydrogen creates 21 cm radiation
HI 21 cm emission decay half life ~10 million years
HI Mass Assuming an optically thin neutral hydrogen cloud M HI * = 6.2 ×10 9 M (Zwaan et al. 2003)
HI 21-cm Emission: The Observations
HI density – HIPASS Zwaan05
Zwaan 2005 HIPASS 4315 galaxies blind HI 21 cm emission direct detection
HI density – ALFALFA Martin10
Martin 2010 ALFALFA 10,119 galaxies blind HI 21 cm emission direct detection
How to measure? 2. Damped Lyman-α Absorption Systems
Lyman-α Absorption Systems quasar hydrogen gas clouds Lyman-α emission Lyman-α absorption by clouds Wavelength observer Intensity
Damped Lyman-α Lyman-α 1216 Å rest frame Intensity Wavelength (Å) Lyα emission QSO redshift z = 3.2 Keck HIRES optical spectrum DLA Lyman-α forest
Damped Lyman-α: The Observations
HI density – Noterdaeme09
Noterdaeme 2009 SDSS 937 absorbers Damped Lyman-α
HI density – Noterdaeme12
Noterdaeme 2012 BOSS 6839 absorbers Damped Lyman-α
HI density – Zafar13
Zafar 2013 UVES 122 quasars Damped Lyman-α
Lower Redshift Damped Lyman-α
HI density – Rao06
Rao 2006 MgII–FeII systems UV HST 197 systems Damped Lyman-α
Coadding HI 21 cm Emission Signals
Coadding HI signals RA DEC Radio Data Cube Frequency HI redshift
Coadding HI signals RA DEC Radio Data Cube Frequency HI redshift positions of optical galaxies
Coadding HI signals frequency flux
Coadding HI signals frequency flux z2 z1 z3 z1, z2 & z3 optical redshifts of galaxies
Coadding HI signals velocity z1 z2 z3 flux velocity Coadded HI signal
Coadding HI signals velocity z1 z2 z3 flux velocity Coadded HI signal Noise m√ N N = number of galaxies
Coadding HI 21 cm Emission: The Observations
HI density – Lah07
Lah 2007 GMRT/Subaru/AAT 154 galaxies HI 21 cm emission stacking
HI density – Freudling11
Freudling 2011 AUDS Arecibo 18 galaxies HI 21 cm emission targeted
HI density – Rhee13
Rhee 2013 WSRT CNOC galaxies HI 21 cm emission stacking
HI density – Delhaize13
Delhaize 2013 Parkes 2dFGRS 3277 galaxies HIPASS 2dFGRS galaxies HI 21 cm emission stacking
HI density – VVDS14
HI 21 cm emission stacking Rhee thesis VVDS14 GMRT/AAT/MMT 165 galaxies
HI density – zCOSMOS14
HI 21 cm emission stacking Rhee thesis GMRT/zCOSMOS
HI density – Hoppmann14
HI 21 cm emission targeted Hoppmann 2014 AUDS Arecibo 105 galaxies
HI density – Current Status Current Status
HI density – Low z average 4σ4σ
HI density – High z average 7σ7σ
Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas In Different Environments
Nearby Galaxy Clusters Are Deficient In HI Gas
HI Deficiency in Clusters Def HI = log(M HI exp. / M HI obs) Def HI = 1 is 10% of expected HI gas Gavazzi et al expected gas estimate based on optical diameter and Hubble type
Cluster Stacking Observations
Abell 370, a galaxy cluster at z = 0.37 Abell 370 cluster core, ESO VLT image large galaxy cluster of order same size as Coma similar cluster velocity dispersion and X-ray gas temperature
cluster redshifts AAT Distribution of galaxies around Abell 370 complete GMRT redshift range
Distribution of galaxies around Abell 370 cluster redshift 8 Mpc radius region: 220 galaxies
Inner Cluster Region Outer Cluster Region HI density
Inner Cluster Region Outer Cluster Region HI density
cluster redshift Distribution of galaxies around Abell 370
cluster redshift Distribution of galaxies around Abell 370 within R 200 region 110 galaxies
Inner Cluster Region Outer Cluster Region HI density
The Next Generation of Observations
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope 45 m diameter dishes 30 dishes low frequency
HI density – GMRT 1000 MHz ~610 MHz
Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array 25 m diameter dishes 27 dishes high frequency
HI density –JVLA 1000 MHz
JVLA HI Survey CHILES (the COSMOS HI Large Extragalactic Survey) – z = 0 to 0.45, 1000 hours in B array
ASKAP 12 m diameter dishes 36 dishes focal plane array
HI density – ASKAP 700 MHz
ASKAP HI Surveys WALLABY (Widefield ASKAP L-Band Legacy All-Sky Blind Survey) - z = 0 to % of the entire sky hrs DINGO (Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins) - z = 0 to GAMA regions hrs, ~290 deg 2 FLASH (The First Large Absorption Survey in HI) - a blind HI absorption-line survey, out to z = 1.0, 3000 deg 2, 2400 hrs, HI stacking using WiggleZ redshifts
ASKAP HI Surveys WALLABY (Widefield ASKAP L-Band Legacy All-Sky Blind Survey) - z = 0 to % of the entire sky hrs DINGO (Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins) - z = 0 to GAMA regions hrs, ~290 deg 2 FLASH (The First Large Absorption Survey in HI) - a blind HI absorption-line survey, out to z = 1.0, 3000 deg 2, 2400 hrs, HI stacking using WiggleZ redshifts
ASKAP HI Surveys WALLABY (Widefield ASKAP L-Band Legacy All-Sky Blind Survey) - z = 0 to % of the entire sky hrs DINGO (Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins) - z = 0 to GAMA regions hrs, ~290 deg 2 FLASH (The First Large Absorption Survey in HI) - a blind HI absorption-line survey, 0.5 < z <1.0, deg 2, 3200 hrs, deeper pointings HI stacking using WiggleZ redshifts
MeerKAT South African SKA pathfinder 13.5 m diameter dishes 64 dishes
HI density – MeerKAT 580 MHz
MeerKAT HI Surveys LADUMA – (Looking At the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array) – z > 1.0, ~5000 hours, single pointing Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S)
The SKA-mid
64 × 13.5-m diameter dishes from the MeerKAT array and 190 × 15-m dishes ~15% of full SKA
HI density – SKA-mid 350 MHz
Then On To The SKA
Additional Slides
A Radio Gravitational Arc?
Radio Arc V band optical image from ANU 40 inch Abell 370 cluster 8 arcmin square
Radio Arc V band optical image from ANU 40 inch Abell 370 cluster 8 arcmin square
Radio Arc optical image from Hubble Space Telescope optical arc in Abell 370 was the first detected gravitational lensing event by a galaxy cluster (Soucail et al. 1987)
Radio Arc 50 arcsec on a side radio contour levels start at 28.5 μJy/ beam (3σ) VLA L-band radio data has a synthesised beam size of ∼ 1.5 arcsec.
VLA C-band 4860 MHz 30 arcsec on a side Peak 160 µJy/Beam
VLA L-band 1400 MHz 30 arcsec on a side Peak 350 µJy/Beam
GMRT 1040 MHz 30 arcsec on a side Peak 490 µJy/Beam
Theoretical Model of Arc - based on Parametric Mass Model of Abell 370 by Richard et al. (2010) - images are 30.3 arcsec across, contour spacing geometric progression, with a factor 1.5 in between each contour
Radio Arc 50 arcsec on a side radio contour levels start at 28.5 μJy/ beam (3σ) VLA L-band radio data has a synthesised beam size of ∼ 1.5 arcsec.
HI 21cm emission HI 21 cm emission decay half life ~10 million years 1 M 1.2 atoms of hydrogen atoms total HI gas in galaxies ~ 10 7 to M HI 21 cm luminosity of ~2 to 2 ergs s -1 in star forming galaxies luminosity of H emission ~3 to 3 ergs s -1
HI density –Molonglo?? Molonglo Bandwidth 3 MHz Centre frequency 843 MHz z = to 0.687
Radio Arc Theory Arc model based on Parametric Mass Model of Abell 370 published by Richard et al. (2010). images are 30.3 arcsec across, contour spacing geometric progression, with a factor 1.5 in between each contour
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope