What skills and qualities do you require to be a club officer?
Club Chairman/Vice Chairman Punctual Tolerant Good Communicator Consistent Role Model Good Leader Firm but Fair Encouraging A team player Focused Organised Supportive Approachable Clear and to the point
Club Secretary Organised Punctual Good Communicator A Team player Approachable Supportive Tolerant Focused Supportive Firm but Fair Delegate
Minute Secretary Punctual Good Communicator Consistent Organised Supportive Nice Neat hand writing
Club Treasurer Good Communicator Consistent Firm but Fair A Team player Focused Organised Supportive Approachable Good record keeper Good with numbers Honest/trustworthy
What duties will you undertake as a club officer?
Club Chairman/Vice Chairman Chair Club Meetings Agree agenda beforehand with club secretary Keep control of the club during meetings, activities and trips Make any announcements during club Welcome any guest/visitors Make sure any new members feel welcome Promote the club along with other members and club officials within the community Give vote of thanks to visitors/speakers Represent club at community/County meetings and feedback to club Encourage members to participate Be the driving force when club host any event Work with other club officials to make sure items discussed in meetings are acted upon Along with club leaders make sure the club is acting within the law
Club Secretary Deal with club correspondence sort before meetings and respond Support club chairman in agreeing agenda for club meetings Keep members informed of club activities Act as the main link between the club and County office Submit competition entries to office on time Send out any letters required e.g thank you letters or vice president letters Book venues and club activities for weekly meetings Remind members of County events/competitions Ask members to complete membership forms and send to YFC Office
Club Minute Secretary Make notes during club meetings Write minutes up neatly in club minute book on a weekly basis Bring minute book to every club meeting for minutes to be read out Support club secretary
Club Treasurer Collect club membership Keep a record of money collected and money paid out Pay money into the bank on a regular basis Pay all bills promptly Keep the cheque book, paying in book and all financial details belonging to the club safe Check bank statements on a regular basis At the end of the year comply accounts and get them audited
How and when do you put these skills and duties into practice?
Club Business Meeting with a Guest Speaker to Follow Beforehand Club secretary to book venue Write or telephone the guest speaker inviting them to attend Inform members Organise refreshments if required Sort through any correspondence which needs to be discussed Comply agenda with chairman making sure all items which need to discussed are listed Risk assessment officer to complete risk assessment During Arrive early and get room ready Chairman and Secretary to sit down before meeting starts to go over business which needs to be discussed Chairman to welcome guest speaker and members to meeting Minute secretary should make notes throughout meeting Attendance sheets to be completed After the guest speaker has spoke Chairman or Vice chairman should give a vote of thanks
Club Business Meeting with a Guest Speaker to Follow Agenda Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters arising from the minutes Correspondence To receive any reports e.g from County meetings Any other Business Date of next meeting After Secretary to write a thank you letter to guest speaker Minute secretary to write up minutes neatly in minute book ready to read out at the next meeting Treasurer to pay any outstanding invoices from meeting etc. All officers to work together to make arrangements for the next meeting/activity
Club Trip to Cardiff Ice Skating Before Inform members/parents of when, where trip will be taking place and how the club will be travelling Agree on a set date that members will need to confirm attendance Get consent forms for all members under 18 years Treasurer to collect payment before trip from all members and keep a record of this Treasurer or Secretary keep a list of who will be attending Book suitable transport and agree on pick up points Book beforehand with Ice Rink and ask for confirmation in writing Make sure you have 1 adult to every 10 under 18 year old members Make sure everyone attending is a fully signed up member – to be covered by insurance Risk assessment officer to complete risk assessment
Club Trip to Cardiff Ice Skating During Make sure an up to date list of members attending is taken on the trip complete with emergency contact numbers Count members onto the bus Make sure everyone travels with their seat belt on Make sure members put any rubbish in the bin Make sure everyone is clear of the pick up time and point Make sure members do not wonder off When arriving home make sure everyone is picked up and do not leave until the last member has left After Treasurer to collect any outstanding money owed Make sure all invoices such as the bus company have been paid Minute secretary will need to state in minute book that no formal business was discussed but the club enjoyed a trip ice skating in Cardiff
Club Fundraiser Before Discuss in club meeting where, when and what time event will start Book venue Agree on prices and prizes Invite MC or bingo caller Circulate posters in local area Get as many members involved in the organising Get raffle books and prizes Treasurer to get floats During Arrive early to set room up Ask members to help with admission and raffle ticket selling Club chairman to welcome everyone and make any general announcements throughout the evening Club treasurer to manage floats Ask members to assist with refreshments Vice Chairman or chairman to give a vote of thanks
Club Fundraiser After Make sure venue is clean and tidy and put back as found Dispose of any rubbish Treasurer to count takings, pay float back in separate to any money made Treasurer to ask for any receipts from members who incurred costs. Pay by cheque rather than cash Bank money as soon as possible Secretary to write thank you letters to anyone other than club members who assisted Secretary to write thank you letters to anyone who donated prizes Make sure all prizes and handed out Minute secretary to write in minute book that there was no formal business but members assisted with a fundraising event
Club Dinner Before Discuss in meeting with members possible venues Secretary to contact with support of other officers and ask for quotes from suggested venues Quotes to be taken to club meeting for further discussion and decision made on venue, date and time Decide in club meeting on ticket price Decide in club meeting on guest speaker Circulate menu choices, date, times and venue Agree with venue on a suitable date when money needs to be in by Comply a list of people attending along with menu choices if required Secretary to write to guest speaker inviting him/her to speak Secretary to send invite to club president Book disco/band Treasurer to get float encase people pay on the night or for raffle Ask members to bring raffle prizes Club officers to agree on format of evening Complete risk assessment Confirm with venue numbers and menu choices
Club Dinner During Club officers to arrive early to make sure room has been laid out suitably Chairman to welcome everyone and run the evening Club officers to look after club president and guest speaker Vice chairman to say a vote of thanks Treasurer to collect any outstanding money owing Ask members to sell raffle tickets After Treasurer to pay any outstanding bills Treasurer to bank money as soon as possible Treasurer to bank float separately to dinner money and raffle money Secretary to write a thank you letter to the guest speaker Minute secretary to write in minute book that there was no formal business but members enjoyed the club annual dinner
Any Questions?