Current Awareness Service - Royal College of Surgeons of England Implementing and developing a service Tom Macmillan – Information Services Librarian
Overview Background about the RCS Overview of the Current Awareness Service Challenges to overcome Ways to evaluate and improve The marketing approach
Background The College is a membership organisation of around 20,000 surgeons worldwide Library provides information needs for surgeons particularly through online journals Surgeons must keep up to date with clinical and professional standards and research Vast amounts of medical research published every month
Current Awareness Service (1/2) The bulletins were implemented in response to members’ requests Tailored for individual surgical specialties Delivered as an using Campaignmaster marketing software
Current Awareness Service (2/2) Specialist Advisory Panel give advice in setting up new bulletins. They advise on: Sub-specialties to include e.g. Paediatric craniofacial surgery for Plastic surgeons Publications to consult and study types and topics to include
Systematically hand search each journal every monthIdentify likely articles by titles and abstractsCritically appraise before including in bulletin
Hand search the latest issues of between 50 and 80 journal titles as well as other sources Summarise the methodology and results Provide links to the journals we subscribe to along with a link to the relevant help pages on our website Current Awareness Bulletins (1/2)
The bulletins are overseen by a Specialist Advisory Panel of clinicians Compiled using an HTML editor Sent to all members who have registered an interest in that surgical specialty. For example, Urology was sent to 711 members last month Current Awareness Bulletins (2/2)
Screenshot of the entire bulletin (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, May 2014)
The bulletin TOC of one journal (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.133, Iss.6)
Bulletin Journal TOC37 Plastic surgery titles plus 44 general medical and surgical titles
Getting to know the subject Keeping the bulletins comprehensive but concise Technical issues with HTML editor Keeping interest levels up – avoiding negative reactions from overload Challenges to overcome
marketing approach (1/2) The key measures in marketing are click-through rates and open rates Open rates signify interest Click-through rates signify engagement
marketing approach (2/2) Accessibility – ensuring the bulletin looks the same in all clients Test beforehand with different accounts and different devices Outcomes – make it as inviting and easy as possible to use the bulletin
Evaluation (1/4) Campaignmaster allows for detailed statistical analysis – all links are tracked We can see which articles are getting the most clicks, and who is clicking
E-journal access has significantly increased Evaluation (2/4)
We can see emergent themes about which topics are most ‘in-demand’ Evaluation (3/4)
Text analysis helps reveal dominant themes too Getting to know the subject by reading editorials in the prestigious journals is also a good way to gauge the contemporary issues in a subject Collaboration and feedback Evaluation (4/4)
Developments to come (1/2) We ran a survey to get qualitative feedback Members were very positive about the bulletins, but negative about e-journal access Members called for more bulletins to cover other surgical specialties. This is what we are now working towards.
Collaboration: We are exploring ways in which Members could identify and assess content for the bulletins Engaging with users is very important and can help contribute to their CPD portfolios Developments to come (2/2) Evaluating the bulletins’ impact on clinical practice
Review RCS is a large membership organisation with a remote user-base with specific information needs The Current Awareness Service helps surgeons get to the information they need in a quick and efficient way The marketing approach is one way to try and overcome some challenges There are always things to improve on
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