Mental health representations in the Media Paul Scates Dr Andrew Mayers
2 Mental health in the Media Who are we Paul Scates Dorset Mental Health Forum Time to Change Lived experience of bipolar disorder Dr Andy Mayers Senior lecturer in psychology BU Specialising in mental health What are we doing here today? Looking at how the ‘Media’ represents mental health
3 Mental health in the Media Types of media Newspapers – printed or online TV, film and radio Social media (Twitter, Facebook…) Corporate PR and media image Internet blogs How is mental health represented in UK? How do other countries compare? What can WE do to improve mental health in the media?
4 Your perceptions of mental health in the Media Take a moment to write down some words or phrases that you associate with mental health We will now look at some examples of MH reporting…
5 Front page news, published
6 The Sun article What messages are conveyed by headlines like these? What perception will readers have about mental illness? Has the Editor read mental health reporting guidelines? What was wrong with this article? So, how did other newspapers respond? Are they better at reporting mental health?
7 In response to The Sun…
8 Daily Telegraph response Some good use of figures, countering The Sun’s claims “Far from saving lives, the Sun's campaign could put more in danger” Was this a better example of positive reporting? Maybe, but it was a little light on detail Even so, can we put more faith in the Daily Telegraph? Do they set a better model? This is what they printed just a few days beforehand…
9 Daily Telegraph, a few days earlier
10 Response elsewhere This is what The Guardian said later that day
11 The Guardian’s response More in-depth analysis Quotes from several sources Graphical displays Quotes from Time to Change And, finished with these key points: “How would you want to see us reporting on mental health?” “What do you think the data says?” “If you are worried about a mental health issue, contact the Samaritans on or your GP”
12 Here’s what Time to Change said
13 What about corporate responsibility? Should major companies be more empathic about mental illness? Why? The recent Halloween costumes at Asda and Tesco are prime examples
14 Public perception Does this reinforce a stigmatised image or is it just harmless fun? How did the UK public react? Twitter is a good example of how social media reflects trends Hundred’s of people tweeted their reaction Indeed, many sources suggest that it was the Twitter storm that put pressure on Asda to withdraw and donate £25k to Mind Many people (with lived experience) posted their own images ‘My mental health costume…’
15 Real mental health costume
16 Public perception, USA But how was similar adverts perceived in USA? One example tweeted by Mental Health Association in Portland, Oregan Asked whether there had been a media storm in response They said it had not When asked why, this is what they said…
17 Public perception, USA What about examples of mainstream US reporting…
18 USA mainstream newspaper Good article. A little short, but well-written and fair But how did the US public respond…
19 Public perception, USA
20 Your perceptions of mental health in the Media How would you report a mental health issue if asked by an editor?
21 Time to change guidelines Here are the Time to Change guidelines to the Media… service/help-journalists service/help-journalists
22 Too much of a good thing? But all we seem to see these days is famous people talking about mental health Does this detract from the message and just make it trendy? The Daily Mail thought so…
23 Television and celebrities Do TV programmes with celebrities talking about mental health help? Examples… BBC3 series (Don’t call me crazy) Had great links to MH information Frank Bruno, featuring Paul Scates But did programme portray Frank fairly? Channel 4 – Four goes mad World’s Maddest Interview Ruby Wax Jon Richardson: A Little Bit OCD
24 Summary and conclusion Is the British media in a good place on mental health? What else do we do need to? Questions?
25 Summary and conclusion Contacts Paul Scates Andy Mayers