Managing your first EF tour …and keeping your sanity while you do it! “ If you don’t bring Paris with you, you won’t find it there.” – John Shanahan “Travel is fatal to prejudice.” – Mark Twain
Departure day At the school: 1- Meet in an open place at your school. 2- Students arrive one hour before school bus leaves for airport. 3- At least one chaperone helps me with check in (pictures, loading). 4- Another chaperone will look for “curious luggage” (overweight, illegal). 5- After checking in, students move to the bus where another chaperone helps them load luggage. 6- Group picture and parent farewells (for your video!). 7- Load bus as you check each student’s passport and plane ticket.
On the bus: 1- Review airport etiquette. 2- Give them your trip motto: IT’S ALL GOOD! 3- Talk to them about expectations in Europe (hotel size, meals, congestion, subway travel, etc.). Boarding the plane and on the plane: 1- Always try to have one chaperone in front and one in back when boarding. 2- Try to get an aisle seat for yourself so it is easier for you to check on students. 3- Remind the students of the value of getting some rest time (at least closing their eyes and ‘slowing down’). 4- Build in some time for yourself to relax and rest.
Arrival day At destination airport: 1- Count students as you deplane. 2- Show them an area beyond the customs check where you will meet after clearing customs. 3- Leave customs as a group and look for that EF sign. 4- Put your trust in your EF travel director! On the bus to the hotel: 1- Let your TD run you through any necessary paperwork (room assignments, schedule, etc.). 2- Be open to schedule changes; your TD can/will maximize your free time. 3- Visit with your students, keep them up and alert. 4- Remind your students that they are guests in this country: be courteous! * Be a traveler, not a tourist! – Rick Steves * Be a traveler, not a tourist! – Rick Steves
At the hotel: 1- Put passports in hotel safety deposit box (teacher discretion). 2- If you can check into your rooms when you arrive, don’t give students more than minutes to clean up as some of them may try to sleep. 3- If time, let your TD show them what’s near the hotel (a mini- walking tour). 4- Test your students on time limits (15 minutes earlier than what you want). 5- Show them sidewalk etiquette when the TD is speaking. 6- Remind them about their journal and to keep writing in it.
Daily routine: 1- Get wake up calls for a minimum of minutes before morning departures. 2- Call individual rooms to make sure students are awake minutes before leaving – time for that continental breakfast! 3- After you eat breakfast, knock on doors 15 minutes before departure. 4- Head count before you leave the hotel and repeat often during the day. 5- Be lively when you talk to your students. Research things beforehand and point interesting things out to them. Always be upbeat. 6- Be ready for changes in the daily itinerary and roll with it. It’s all good! 7- Be in charge of tipping bus drivers and individual tour guides when necessary (collect before trip begins). 8- Meet as a group every night – “Let’s talk about the day!”. 9- Room check between 11:00-12:00?
Free time on tour: 1- Buddy system everywhere (3-4 per group minimum)! 2- Don’t be showy with your money, passport, or anything expensive. 3- Remember that your students are guests in this country. 4- Set a return time that is minutes earlier than when you actually want them to be back at the beginning, then use discretion later. Last evening and return home: 1- Do something special at the last night’s dinner. Make it a memorable finish. Acknowledge what your tour director has done for you. 2. Encourage them to pack a little the night before. 3- Check on individual rooms if time allows. 4- Use the same procedures returning home that you did when you arrived. At home airport, have one last talk with them as a group!