How to Give an Effective 10 Minute Presentation Bethany Bradley and Lynn Carlson
Introduction How my research topic fits into the bigger question Why my research topic is important Another reason why my research topic is important
Methods How I addressed my research topic How I dealt with any large problems that arose Any assumptions I’ve made in addressing my research topic
Methods Any additional methods, equations used, non-GIS processing
Results: Pretty Graph
Results Text and figures are appropriate, as are stand along figures or graphs. Generally, make your figures as BIG as possible!
Results: Pretty Figure
Conclusions Here are the main points that I’ve concluded about my research topic Here is how those main points fit back into the bigger question
Tips Try to have no more than one slide per minute! Try to avoid animations that don’t relate directly to your point Try not to put pictures or figures on your slides that you don’t explain Doubel check for typos! Watch out for painful color schemes!
Last Tips Practice your talk once (or twice) beforehand! Make sure you can say it all in 10 minutes!