Teaching Controversial Issues Area of focus Conflict Resolution
KS3 History Year 10 O Key Element Citizenship Pupils should have opportunities to: Investigate the long and short term causes and consequences of the partition of Ireland and how it has influenced Northern Ireland today including key events and turning points.
How the topic was chosen O Year 10 mixed ability class in all girls secondary school O While studying events in Ireland some pupils raised the question of why there were no pictures or information about women. What were women doing in 1916 they asked? O While this was identified as an interesting enquiry for the class by themselves, there was a range of limited knowledge and understanding of the Northern Ireland Conflict for many of the pupils and little understanding of the significance of the past on their lives today. O Teacher felt the class were open to discussion and willing to participate in both group and pared activities.
The Planning O Preliminary Meeting for half an hour after school to discuss the procedure where the best starting point would be for the class and what they might gain from the process. O The class was chosen on the basis that they had already questioned why women had been air brushed out of their history text books and it was felt that the Easter Rising provided a rich context to develop and explore issues around gender, equality and diversity as well as examining the significance of a historical event.
Planning Day O The focus for the lessons was on commemoration as it highlighted the issue not only of the role of women rebel or otherwise but also how history can be selectively interpreted to justify actions of people today. This would provide fertile ground for the girls to discuss issues around the stereo typing of women in history and indeed today which still causes conflict in many societies across the world.
Planning Day O It was decided to focus on three lessons and that the class would have done a bit of work on the background and key events beforehand. O Lesson 1 What do we remember and what do we forget about the Easter Rising ? O Lesson 2 What role did women really play on the Easter Rising? O Lesson 3 Why is the Easter Rising significant?
Strategies O Contracting to establish procedures for working will be done beforehand O Effective questioning throughout and for the launch of lessons What do you See strategy from Facing History O Paired and small group work – how to work together? O Popcorn method of taking turns at reading. O Carousel O Each One Teach One O Evaluation O Through the debrief sessions O Observation by Tony McCauley (3 rd lesson)
Lesson 1 Cultural Identity – flags, symbols and conflict (Global) O ILOS O To participate in discussion and respect other students’ views O To gain a better understanding of the importance of appreciating different views O Lesson O 4 corners ice-breaker O Powerpoint on world flags with quiz O Facilitator-led discussion on what the flags represent O Flags in conflict situations O Conclude with thoughts on… ‘All flags should be banned in Northern Ireland.’ Do you agree? Alan
Lesson 2 Cultural Identity – flags, symbols and conflict (Local) O ILOS: O To appreciate that historically Northern Ireland has been perceived as a bi-cultural society O To explore the causes and consequences of conflict O Lesson O 4 corners with flags (Union, Irish, 6 counties Ulster and Province of Ulster) and teacher-led discussion O History of Northern Ireland conflict up to peace process (youtube footage included) O BBC footage of conflict in Short Strand following flag protest O Back to statement at end of lesson 1 ‘All flags should be banned in Northern Ireland.’ Do you agree? How do they feel now? Alan and Tracey
Lesson 3 Conflict Resolution O ILOS: O To examine how conflict can be resolved on a global scale. O To use drama to illustrate the current difficulties surrounding flags in Northern Ireland. O To provide ways of managing conflict at a community level. O Activities: O Examples of Global Conflict Resolution powerpoint/youtube O Teacher-led discussion leading to Northern Ireland peace process O Scenario role play in groups. O Students in groups write down 3 things they think should happen now in Northern Ireland to help resolve the issues surrounding the flag protests. Tracey
Interesting Reactions… O To the age old question, ‘Does your background effect your cultural identity?’… O Twins (male and female) gave different responses to the flags 4 corners exercise! O Male twin felt more of an affiliation with the Irish tricolour O Female twin stood between the Irish tricolour and the Union Flag.
Evaluation from the students… … really good, made you understand more about the meaning behind the flags… When you play games, it helps you learn more… in a practical way The sweets encouraged us! I liked the use of videos Drama helps you be in the position of others. I liked the interactive way using 4 corners. It was good having the two teachers … different viewpoints Activities like that help you when answering evaluation questions in GCSE modules
Where do we go from here? O Time O Money O Opportunity O Partner school? O It’s worth it!