Language Centre Henriikka Salminen
AGENDA What and where Language Centre is Language studies How to enrol for a course Other activities offered by the Language Centre Where to find more information
Language Centre Independent unit of the university. Courses in Language for Specific Purposes and optional courses in general language. NB! Turku School of Economics has its own Unit for Languages and Business Communication which provides language studies for their students.
Language Centre Situated in many different buildings: Juslenia (Henrikinkatu 2): Language Centre office (open 10-12, 13-15), administration, classrooms, language labs, self-study room, teachers’ offices. Rosetta: classroom Rosetta II Language Lab Knalli in Natural Sciences Building I on the hill. Teaching all around the campus.
Juslenia Rosetta
Obligatory language studies Master’s programs have differing requirements. Most students are required to complete a Finnish for Foreigers Beginners’ Course (usually intensive course, 5 credits). Some are also required to take an English Academic Writing Skills Course. Please check the language study requirements of your study program from your program coordinator. More information can be found at: (Curricula Guides)
Language studies Courses in following languages are offered at the Language Centre: Chinese, English, Finnish for Foreigners, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish Different levels: beginners, continuation and more advanced special courses. Most courses taught in Finnish on the beginners’ level.
Language studies More advanced and oral courses taught in that specific language (eg. German, French). Chinese and Japanese courses are taught in English. English courses: Sign up in Nettiopsu (utu user ID and password needed). Those degree students, who need English as an obligatory part of their studies, have priority
How to enrol for language courses Enrolment procedures vary depending on the course. For most courses, enrolment will take place in the virtual study register Nettiopsu. NB! A UTU user account and password will be needed in order to log in Nettiopsu. Make sure that you receive them as soon as possible (from the IT Services).
KIFF0001 Finnish Beginners’ Course I (autumn and spring) enrolment in Nettiopsu (DL 4.9.) KIFF0003 Finnish Intensive Beginners' Course: Autumn: enrolment through the program coordinator Spring: enrolment in Nettiopsu KIEN2024 English Academic Writing Skills: enrolment through the coordinators. There are also several courses where no enrolment is needed beforehand (usually more advanced courses). Please see the information under each course. If information is only given in Finnish, it usually means that Finnish skills are required in order to be able to participate in the course.
Teachers can be reached in their office during office hours or by . Exam results in Nettiopsu.
Language study modules Finnish for Foreigners study module (min. 20 ECTS) Build a study module of Finnish courses. A complete study module will appear in the degree diploma → useful when seeking work. Study modules available also in other languages, eg. English. Further information: > Studying > Language Study Modules
Wanted: Language Tutors Language Centre is looking for students to work as language tutors Language tutors work in our language courses: Tell about their home country and culture, help with pronunciation, conversation practice etc. Languages needed: German, Spanish, Russian
Language tutors Characteristics required: Native speaker Punctual, not absent-minded Motivated Carrying voice Good and clear pronunciation Ability to speak slowly Preferably a teacher student (not obligatory)
HOW TO APPLY? -German: send a motivation letter to by Sept. -Russian: send an to by Sept. -Spanish: send a motivation letter to by Sept.
Language Circles Voluntary meetings where you can get acquainted with both Finnish and international students using your own language or Finnish or some other language. You will learn more about other people and their culture and also inform others about your own culture. The groups spend free time together: Cook, play games, see movies, etc.
Language Circles The groups decide on the meeting times and places. Possibility to receive a certificate at the end of the semester. First meetings coordinated by the Language Centre, in the week 38
Language Circles, autumn 2014 FIRST MEETING: week 38 (15th – 18th September) in Juslenia, Henrikinkatu 2: ChineseTue 16.30room K 101 DutchMon 16.30room K 101 EnglishThu 16.00room K 136 Finnish for ForeignersThu 18.00room K 136 FrenchWed 18.00room K 136 GermanWed 16.00room K 136 HungarianWed 16.30room K 101 ItalianTue 16.00room K 136
Language Circles, autumn 2014 JapaneseMon room K 136 KoreanThu 16.30room 113 RussianTue 18.00room K 136 SpanishMon 18.00room K 136 SwedishMon 18.15room K 101
Other activities Self-study Self-study room K109 in Juslenia (K floor, right wing) Material in about 20 languages, Multimedia Language Lab. More information: Language Advisor Lauri Kurki, tel ,
Finding Finnish hard to learn? Want to teach your own language to someone? Get yourself a TANDEM What is a Tandem? You can practice your language skills with a tandem partner. First you just have to get a pair and after that it is all up to you! With your Tandem partner you can meet to discuss politics, practice restaurant vocabulary over lunch or do your language homework together. It is all up to YOU!
What do I have to do to find a Tandem? All you have to do is: Go to: → Studying → Tandem Language Exchange Fill in the sign-up form Language and Culture Tandem is a course (2 credits) where one of the languages has to be Finnish and the other can be Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish. If you don’t want to take a course or if you want to study some other language than Finnish, it is also possible to find a language partner and practice your language skills without any academic objectives. → → Studying → Language Partner
Вас интересует добровольная, самостоятельная учёба в группе «тандем» с финскими студентами, изучающими русский язык? Контактировать: Birgitta Tjurin-Muranen Лектор русского языка Языковой центр Университет г. Турку
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