Ephesians Lesson 6
Ephesians 4 Therefore….walk in a manner worthy Chapters 1 – 3 tell us why we should walk worthy Because of being blessed Because of saving grace Because we are His workmanship Because we have been brought near Because we now have access to the Father
Ephesians 4 Chapters 1 -3 Who we are/ blessings in Christ Chapters 4 – 6 How we are to walk because of who we are and what we have Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless (1:4) Predestined to adoption (1:5-6) Redemption and forgiveness (1:7) Sealed with the Holy Spirit (1:13-14)
Ephesians The Walk Not like the former walk It has good works prepared beforehand (2:10) It’s a walk worthy of the calling (4:1) “Worthy” – axios: properly, that which balances the scales. As the calling is high, so also is the walk How? Based on humility and gentleness “Humility” – tapeinophrosune – humility of mind, self abasement, the esteeming of ourselves small, the correct estimate of ourselves “Gentleness” – prautetos – an inwrought grace of the soul; not in a man’s outward behavior only
Unity in the Body “Show tolerance”: anecho – to hold up, bear with patiently, to have patience with in regard to the errors or weaknesses of anyone. “With patience”: makrothumia – the quality of being “long tempered”. The quality of someone able to avenge himself, yet refrains from doing so. This is to be done with fellow believers! All to be done IN LOVE It takes diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit
Ephesians 4:4-6 One body One Spirit One hope of your calling One Lord One faith One baptism One God and Father of all
One Body Christ’s body, the church Jews and Gentiles, reconciled in one body to God The “mystery” revealed: Gentiles are included The whole body grows, but each individual has a part in order for the body to function properly
One Spirit Eph. 1:13-14 All believers sealed with Holy Spirit Eph. 2:18-22 Both Jew and Gentile have access to the Father through the Spirit John 14 and 16 Spirit of Truth indwells The Spirit glorifies Jesus Romans 8 If a person does not have the Holy Spirit they do NOT belong to Christ The Spirit testifies with our spirit Those who are led by the Spirit are truly sons of God
One hope of your calling All Christians have the same calling Prayer: that all know what that hope is ONE LORD Lord – “kurios” Lord, master. Jesus is Lord and master Romans 10 Master of both Jew and Gentile Phil. 2:9-11 One day all with confess Him as Lord ONE FAITH Saving Faith All believe the same thing for salvation
One Baptism I Cor. 12:13 All baptized into ONE body All drink from One Spirit ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL Deut. 6, 32 and Is. 43 and 45 He is the only God, there is no other besides Him Mark 12:29 Jesus quoted these verses Rom.3 He is the God of the Jews and Gentiles John 17 Christ’s High Priestly prayer…..for us!