Digital Wisdom
Objectives This OER will explore how to move from being a Digital Native to gaining Digital Wisdom regarding: Plagiarism Copyright Protecting Reputations Online How to behave Online
From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom Read Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants and H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom and identify if there has been a change in Marc Prensky’s thoughts.Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom What are your thoughts about Prensky’s writing?
What is Plagiarism? Watch the Plagiarism video by Common Craft to discover the basics of plagiarism.Plagiarism video by Common Craft What are the implications for my teaching practice?
The Internet & Copyright Consider the following: “While the internet has opened amazing avenues for education and research, as well as providing an overall shared cultural experience, it has also come face to face with international copyright laws. For the most part, the “openness” of the internet is diametrically opposed to the explicitly closed nature of copyright laws.” (Weidig, 2011) (Source:
Creative Commons Source: View the video Creative Commons Kiwi to discover an approach to using digital artefacts without breaking the law.Creative Commons Kiwi Read Creative Commons: An Educational Primer to discover the type of copyright that currently exist.Creative Commons: An Educational Primer
Activity - Copyright? Utilising the Slideshow presentation: Copyright Law – an introduction, and other resources working in small groups Either prepare a Pecha Kechu presentation that can be used in a departmental inset Or prepare a Pecha Kechu presentation that can be used with students Or Develop a quiz to test someone’ knowledge of copyright law and how it applies within an educational setting.
Copyright – Four Views With regard to copy right we should maintain FOUR views: user or consumer - looking, listening, reading and learning re-user – an active consumer who re-uses materials creator and author of new materials distributor and publisher passing materials on to other people
Resources - Images The following images are hyperlinks to sources of royalty fee images:
Web2Rights – the Animation Watch the Web2Rights animation to discover the what are the implications of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) for both you and your learners. Web2Rights animation Source:
Case Study Does Copyright Matter? A lecturer is preparing a presentation for the next teaching session. They set up the presentation and put in an outline text. Then they look around for specific information from a subject association website, a web encyclopaedia and a couple of books they have at home. The encyclopaedia and an image search provide images, some of which are cropped and sized. A photograph they have taken on holiday is added. A library subscription resource provides an outline map which they annotate. A sound file from a CD makes a good start and finish. A web link to a BBC video site provides a good discussion point. The presentation is loaded into the teacher’s area of the VLE. The lecturer uses the presentation with their group the next day and gets a good response. The presentation is made available to the group through the VLE. The lecturer decides to share the resource with their colleagues using a discussion forum. Does the presentation use third-party materials.? What acknowledgements are required?
Case Study Perfect Image A lecturer, accompanied by students visit a Museum for a study trip they take photographs on cameras and mobile phones. Over the next week the lecturer will post some of the images on VLE along with student’s writing about the visit. To consider: Was permission to take photographs at the Museum organised beforehand? On the VLE is there a statement of terms and conditions of use of the photographs and writing for the audience or has the institution decidesd to use Creative Commons licence? Is there good acknowledgement of the Museum and the exhibits or events shown in the photographs?
Additional Resources Below are links to further resources and guidance on the subject of copyright:
YouTube Copyright School Watch YouTube Copyright School to discover how YouTube attempts to educate its users about copyright.YouTube Copyright School What are the implications for your professional practice and what your learners produce?
Protecting Reputations Online Watch the Protecting Reputations Online by Common Craft to discover the long-term risks of sharing inappropriate materials online.Protecting Reputations Online by Common Craft How would you devise an activity for introducing this topic to students? (Source:
How to Behave Online Read Google’s advice about how to manage your information online.Google’s advice What are your views regarding the approach that Google suggests that you adopt. (Source: