Beta Club Agenda September 11, 2012 Find a seat, and we’ll get started ASAP.
Seniors Only? Our new members are joining during this transition period. Juniors (and new seniors) will be inducted during a ceremony. New members will join us for the October meeting. (10/2) We will always meet the first Tuesday of the month UNLESS an issue arises.
How to… Be honest. Do you know how to get to the Beta Club blog? Three ways to find the blog: –Type: into your browser. Click on Student Info, select Clubs and Organizations, and find Beta Club. –Type: into your web browser. (Save it as a favorite or bookmark.) –OR…google Harrison High School Beta Club.
Facebook & Twitter Another form of communication.. Your is needed to add you to the group. You can ALWAYS check the blog if you don’t have FB or don’t want to check announcements there. to get meeting reminders.
Service Requirements 20 hours of service credit are required –10 Relay and 10 HHS –15 of those credits must be face-to-face service Ex: fall festivals, nursing home visits, community service day, etc (must be Beta Club approved events) –5 credits can be donations –A minimum of 4 hours must be spent at the RFL event in May 2013
Service Requirements FAQ: –Can I earn all 20 hours doing service face-to-face? YES! Of course, but please help us fundraise as well. –Can I donate more than 5 credits worth of funds or products? YES, please! But you will only receive 5 credits towards your minimum requirement of 20 hours. –Will you track my hours over and above the minimum requirement? YES! –Do I have to earn all 20 credits to be able to wear a stole at graduation? YES! –Is it a good idea to do all my credits in the spring? NO! Please try to get half done in the Fall!
Saturday, October 13 Horizon Baseball –Special Needs Park in Acworth –Time TBD –We need a minimum of 10 volunteers – more is better, but no more than 15 please. –Every player wants a buddy! –Sign up on the list or on the door of Mrs. Spaeth’s room (319)
Saturday, October 20 McKenna Farms Fall Festival –Pediatric hippotherapy –11 am to 4 pm –Sign up on the list or the door of a sponsor’s room
Relay for Life Service Sell Luminaria (Beautiful white bags with candles to honor cancer victims at the Relay) –Print the form off of the blog –Bring completed form and $10 check to Mrs. Tarvin or Mrs. Spaeth –2 Luminarias = 1 Relay for Life hour Relay for Life Online Fundraising * COMING SOON! –Follow link on the blog to register online – friends and family members inviting them to make a donation on your behalf –$20 donation = 1 Relay for Life hour
Annual Dues $15 Checks made out to Harrison High School Bring to Mrs. Tarvin (418), Mrs. Spaeth (319), or Mr. Tarvin (314) Please stop by before or after school Deadline: November 1
American Heart Association Beta Club is raising awareness of heart disease and raising funds for AHA. We will have a “Red Out” at a basketball game. We will be selling red t-shirts beforehand to raise funds.
American Heart Association Fundraiser We are selling flower bulbs online to raise funds for AHA. (Until October 26 th ) 1.Make sure we have your address so we can send you the link to the fundraising site. 2.Send the site address to friends and relatives and they can order from the site and have items shipped to their home. 3.Beta Club gets 50% of the price of the item for the AHA fundraising account.
American Heart Association Fundraiser Flower Power Fundraising You will be sent an from this site to kick-off the fundraising (Updated addresses required!) What do you do? –Go to the site and enter the names and addresses of friends and families –Configure an to be sent to your list of contacts –Contacts use YOUR link to place their order –You receive 1 credit hour for each $40 in sales ($20 in profit-we receive 50% of each sale) –Sales are tracked by team member; your contacts MUST use the to place their order or it cannot be tracked!
Attendance Sign Out Give the Beta Club officer your name so he/she can mark you as present. Be sure to give your t-shirt size for your RFL t-shirt. Check your address on the list near the door. Update if needed.