ARCHAEOLOGICAL-ADJ Having to do with digging up artifacts to study the past Celestial-adj --heavenly
COMMUNISM-NOUN A government that decides which goods should be made and how they should be distributed to citizens Excavation-N --to dig out
THEOCRACY-NOUN Government based on religion Scaled-verb -to climb
TYRANNICAL-ADJ Dominant, cruel, oppressive leadership Patriarch -male head of the family
CITATION-NOUN Reference quotation Content-adj -happily satisfied
COMPLACENT-ADJ Satisfied to the point of nonchalance Flourished-v -to grow successfully
PRECAUTION-NOUN Care taken beforehand to prevent harm Smug-adj -self-satisfied (pleased with yourself)
SUMMIT-NOUN Top, highest point Vexed-verb Bothered /stressed
PREVALENT-ADJ Widely existing or occurring Discord-noun Lack of harmony; conflict
EXTORT-VERB To obtain by threat or violence Ostentation-N Boastful display