Other Activities Range of sports Crafts Traversing Wall Sports Hall Enjoy our extensive range of sports facilities in our indoor Sports Hall or outdoor play area: Music area Reading corner Sensory Room Playstation 2 X-Box V-Tech Computer Library Don’t forget to bring warm, waterproof clothing, wellies, hats and gloves Easter Crafts Easter cooking Easter Activities SPACE at the ark The place to be 30 th March – 5 th April and 7 th April – 10 th April Rabbit baskets Easter bunnies Daffodil sun-catchers Cress heads Egg decorating Easter cookies Easter chocolate baskets Chocolate pops Naan bread pizzas Easter egg hunt Find the magic rabbit Egg & spoon race Wellie wanging Cinema Get the popcorn popped – we’re off to the cinema to catch the latest movie. Thursday 9 th April Full day Cost £10.00 Snowtubing Are you ready for a morning of the best fun ever?? Space 1 & 2 are off to the ski centre in Halifax to try some snow tubing (imagine coming downhill on a big, soft tyre and you’ll have an idea of what lies ahead!). Places are very limited (18 only) so please book early to avoid disappointment. Tuesday 31 st March morning trip cost £10.00 Smoothies & Shakes Who knew things so delicious could be good for you? Come and join us for a smoothie and milk shake day and slurp to your hearts content!! Wednesday 1 st April & Friday 10 th April
Other Activities Dodge Ball Basketball Boxing Punch Bag Assault Course Traversing wall Tag rugby Quick cricket Hockey Pool/snooker Table tennis Rounders Hoola Hoops Volleyball Football Enjoy our extensive range of sports facilities in our indoor Sports Hall or outdoor play area including: Don’t forget to bring warm, waterproof clothing, wellies, hats and gloves SPACE at the ark The place to be 30 th March – 5 th April and 7 th April – 10 th April Easter Crafts Paint filled eggs on canvas Spring in a jar Easter bonnet competition Easter Baking Omelette muffins Easter nests Chocolate bowls Bring a pet day In celebration of ‘Pet Day’ on Saturday 14 th April, all Space children are invited to bring their pets for the day. Pets must be caged and not poisonous! All pets must be booked in beforehand. Friday 10 th April Spring Picnic Come along for an outdoor Spring picnic with a trip to the woods. Wednesday 8 th April Snowtubing Are you ready for a morning of the best fun ever?? Space 1 & 2 are off to the ski centre in Halifax to try some snow tubing (imagine coming downhill on a big, soft tyre and you’ll have an idea of what lies ahead!). Places are very limited (18 only) so please book early to avoid disappointment. Tuesday 31 st March morning trip cost £10.00 Easter Activities Egg rolling race Spring planting Easter egg hunt Smoothies & Shakes Come and join us for a smoothie and milk shake day and slurp to your heart’s content!! Wednesday 1 st April & Friday 10 th April
Booking Form Space Holiday Club: 30 th March – 5 th April & 7 th April – 10 th April Child’s NameDate of Birth Send booking confirmation topostvia roomphone (please circle / give details) We offer holiday club in Space at The Ark every day, even when trips are running. That way, care is in place whether or not your child would like to take part in the trips. Please note any dietary requirements, or special information you think we should be aware of on the reverse of this booking form. Thank you. Please be in Space 1 & 2 by 9am if you are going on a trip To make a booking you can i) return the booking form; ii) phone ( ); iii) All children arriving before 9am please go straight to Space 1 (breakfast served 7am – 9am) Please note 48 hours notice must be given for cancellations, otherwise charges will be made whether or not your child is in attendance. Please tick one Please tick if trip required Date AM 7am-1pm (£20) PM 1pm-6.30pm (£18) All Day 7am-6.30pm (£30.50) Trip Optional Mon 30 th March Tues 31 st March Space 1 & 2, Snow tubing, £10 Wed 1 st April Thurs 2 nd April Tues 7 th April Wed 8 th April Thurs 9 th April Space 1, cinema, £10 Fri 10 th April Space 2 Pet Day – please book in