Keeping our Children Safe Online E-Safety Presentation @ Chellaston Junior School Keeping our Children Safe Online A home-school partnership
E-Safety Presentation @ Chellaston Junior School 1. Children online: How? What? Risks? 2. What do we cover in school? 3. How can parents support at home? 4. How can home and school continue to work together?
How can children get online E-Safety Presentation @ Chellaston Junior School How can children get online Personal Computers/Laptops Tablets (Ipads, etc) Games consoles (Wii, Playstation, XBox) Ipods E-Readers Smartphones Smart TV/Blu-ray players
E-Safety Presentation @ Chellaston Junior School What could they be doing online? Playing games Talking to people (Skype) Sharing information Searching for information Sending messages Social networking Making friends Purchasing goods/apps/services
Risks children face online Cyber-bullying Accessing inappropriate websites Losing control over the images and videos they post Viruses Hacking of files Grooming Fines for using photos/images without permission Slander or contempt of court for reposting tweets and posts
2. What do we cover in school?
Be SMART Safe - Keep safe by not giving out any personal information Meeting - Never arrange to meet someone from the internet Accepting - never accept emails or open files from people you don't know or trust Reliable - Information you may find on the internet may not be true Tell - if something online makes you worried or upset, then TELL a parent/carer or trusted adult Visit:- What is Social Networking? Using any device, PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, online gaming, using a console etc, and communicating with other people (text or voice chat) Discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using Social networking Discussed the age of consent for most sites being 13 (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc) Which Social Networking sites do you know about? They knew them all! Where and when should you participate? With parental support, close by, not in a bedroom with the door closed, not alone, just with sibling, friend etc. Parents have a responsibility to know what they are doing at all times and to safeguard them from any hazards A balance of spending time online and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do homework first etc Honesty is the best policy MANY of our Y5/6 have Instagram or use Snapchat, lots have others such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Youtube, texing etc What can people see? We talked about safety, keeping us safe if we do use it – photos can identify you (uniform), usernames using real names/surnames/DOBs, seeing who your friends are can identify you further, seeing who comments on or likes your posts Privacy settings need to be tight on EACH app. These are difficult to set properly and should be policed and checked by parents (many of whom don’t really know how to do this effectively themselves). Chat and photos Need to think very carefully about what you are sending and posting and who the audience is – it can be traced and used as evidence, particularly if offensive, racist, name calling, bullying behaviour, extremism etc Identify theft – people can and will pretend to be you and use your name, photo etc (Own example) Contacting CJS Staff CJS staff are not friends of the pupils. We like them very much, but we are their teachers/adults. We will report anyone who tries to befriend us online, and pupils should do the same. This is to safeguard everyone. Pupils weren’t told “you aren’t allowed to” – just some rules to follow and how to keep ourselves safe if we decide to break them!
Social Networking What is Social Networking? Which Social Networking sites do you know about? Where and when should you participate? Honesty is the best policy What can people see? Chat and photos Contacting CJS Staff What is Social Networking? Using any device, PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, online gaming, using a console etc, and communicating with other people (text or voice chat) Discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using Social networking Discussed the age of consent for most sites being 13 (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc) Which Social Networking sites do you know about? They knew them all! Where and when should you participate? With parental support, close by, not in a bedroom with the door closed, not alone, just with sibling, friend etc. Parents have a responsibility to know what they are doing at all times and to safeguard them from any hazards A balance of spending time online and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do homework first etc Honesty is the best policy MANY of our Y5/6 have Instagram or use Snapchat, lots have others such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Youtube, texing etc What can people see? We talked about safety, keeping us safe if we do use it – photos can identify you (uniform), usernames using real names/surnames/DOBs, seeing who your friends are can identify you further, seeing who comments on or likes your posts Privacy settings need to be tight on EACH app. These are difficult to set properly and should be policed and checked by parents (many of whom don’t really know how to do this effectively themselves). Chat and photos Need to think very carefully about what you are sending and posting and who the audience is – it can be traced and used as evidence, particularly if offensive, racist, name calling, bullying behaviour, extremism etc Identify theft – people can and will pretend to be you and use your name, photo etc (Own example) Contacting CJS Staff CJS staff are not friends of the pupils. We like them very much, but we are their teachers/adults. We will report anyone who tries to befriend us online, and pupils should do the same. This is to safeguard everyone. Pupils weren’t told “you aren’t allowed to” – just some rules to follow and how to keep ourselves safe if we decide to break them!
Cyberbullying What is cyberbullying? How can it happen? How does it feel to be bullied? Do/Don't TELL The Law - Criminal Responsibility Visit:- What is Social Networking? Using any device, PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, online gaming, using a console etc, and communicating with other people (text or voice chat) Discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using Social networking Discussed the age of consent for most sites being 13 (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc) Which Social Networking sites do you know about? They knew them all! Where and when should you participate? With parental support, close by, not in a bedroom with the door closed, not alone, just with sibling, friend etc. Parents have a responsibility to know what they are doing at all times and to safeguard them from any hazards A balance of spending time online and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do homework first etc Honesty is the best policy MANY of our Y5/6 have Instagram or use Snapchat, lots have others such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Youtube, texing etc What can people see? We talked about safety, keeping us safe if we do use it – photos can identify you (uniform), usernames using real names/surnames/DOBs, seeing who your friends are can identify you further, seeing who comments on or likes your posts Privacy settings need to be tight on EACH app. These are difficult to set properly and should be policed and checked by parents (many of whom don’t really know how to do this effectively themselves). Chat and photos Need to think very carefully about what you are sending and posting and who the audience is – it can be traced and used as evidence, particularly if offensive, racist, name calling, bullying behaviour, extremism etc Identify theft – people can and will pretend to be you and use your name, photo etc (Own example) Contacting CJS Staff CJS staff are not friends of the pupils. We like them very much, but we are their teachers/adults. We will report anyone who tries to befriend us online, and pupils should do the same. This is to safeguard everyone. Pupils weren’t told “you aren’t allowed to” – just some rules to follow and how to keep ourselves safe if we decide to break them!
3. How can parents support at home? What is Social Networking? Using any device, PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, online gaming, using a console etc, and communicating with other people (text or voice chat) Discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using Social networking Discussed the age of consent for most sites being 13 (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc) Which Social Networking sites do you know about? They knew them all! Where and when should you participate? With parental support, close by, not in a bedroom with the door closed, not alone, just with sibling, friend etc. Parents have a responsibility to know what they are doing at all times and to safeguard them from any hazards A balance of spending time online and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do homework first etc Honesty is the best policy MANY of our Y5/6 have Instagram or use Snapchat, lots have others such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Youtube, texing etc What can people see? We talked about safety, keeping us safe if we do use it – photos can identify you (uniform), usernames using real names/surnames/DOBs, seeing who your friends are can identify you further, seeing who comments on or likes your posts Privacy settings need to be tight on EACH app. These are difficult to set properly and should be policed and checked by parents (many of whom don’t really know how to do this effectively themselves). Chat and photos Need to think very carefully about what you are sending and posting and who the audience is – it can be traced and used as evidence, particularly if offensive, racist, name calling, bullying behaviour, extremism etc Identify theft – people can and will pretend to be you and use your name, photo etc (Own example) Contacting CJS Staff CJS staff are not friends of the pupils. We like them very much, but we are their teachers/adults. We will report anyone who tries to befriend us online, and pupils should do the same. This is to safeguard everyone. Pupils weren’t told “you aren’t allowed to” – just some rules to follow and how to keep ourselves safe if we decide to break them!
Tools to protect your children – Parental Control Every parental control package is different, but most provide services such as: Filtering – content to restrict access to particular sites, such as pornographic websites. Time limits – restrict the amount of time your child can be online, or set periods of time where your child can access certain sites. Monitoring – where you are informed of certain sites that your child is attempting to gain access to. Reporting – where you are provided with information about what sites your child has used.
Reach an Agreement A good way is to set boundaries with your child about what they can and can’t do online is to set an agreement with them. Here are some examples of the areas you might want to discuss: Limits on the amount of time your child spends online, or playing computer games. Having regular screen breaks – at least five minutes every 45-60 minutes. Not sharing any pictures they wouldn’t be happy to share with you. Not giving out personal details, such as mobile phone number and address without parents permission/knowledge. Coming to you if they are concerned. Or, if not, knowing where they can go for independent help and support. Why not introduce an agreement after watching one of the Thinkuknow films?
Let them teach you! The people who know best about what your children are up to online, are your children! Get them to tell you about the sites they’re using. Ask them questions such as: ◦ Why do they like the site? ◦ What can they do on it? ◦ What’s so fun about it? ◦ Who uses it at school? ◦ Who you can talk to? ◦ Who are their friends on it? This is a good way to develop a trusting relationship with your child about what they are up to online.
Tools to protect your children – Watch the Think U Know films together Why not sit down and watch one together and discuss the topics. We would recommend that you watch the film on your own beforehand so that you’re aware of the topics it covers.
Advice for Mobile Phones Your children may have their own mobile phone, email account or social network page, so it is important they know what to do when things go wrong. Do not delete the message Don’t show the message to other children Go to an adult to tell them, not a friend Do not respond to any messages
4. How can we continue to work in partnership?
Safety in our Communications As a school we embrace the use of electronic communication between parents and school including email and text messaging. We only use the address to respond to enquiries - individual staff email addresses are not given to parents except in exceptional circumstances. Staff do not have ex-pupils under 16 as "friends" on social networking sites, except relatives. If there is a legitimate reason for communication with clubs such as Scouts, Youth Club or Football, then staff will inform the Headteacher and follow usual safeguarding measures. Whilst it is best for staff to avoid having parents as "friends", staff will follow the procedures in our school's Code of Conduct. For example we will never post anything on a social website or text about the school community including incidents, pupils or staff. We will act as role models and never share any images of pupils taken during school time or on educational visits on personal sites.
What next? Inform us if you have any concerns We will inform you if we have any concerns We will continue to review our policies and procedures Do you need any further support with privacy/security settings? Thank you for your support