Classification Biology Agriculture
5 Kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Monera Protista
Kingdom Protista Protozoa – one cell eukaryotes Most are found in aquatic habitats Some thrive in moist soils They live in a: Symbiotic Relationship Independent Relationship
Kingdom Protista Protozoa Classified by the way they move. Flagellates – move themselves with small flagella.
Kingdom Protista Sarcodines – move by extending parts of their cytoplasm and cell membrane. Ex. Amoeba
Kingdom Protista Ciliates – hundreds of flagella propel them.
Kingdom Protista Sporozoans – Carried along with current in the body.
Kingdom Monera All monerans are prokaryotes Bacteria Carry out biological activities for life. Decomposers Most are beneficial Characterized by their shape
Kingdom Monera Bacteria have three basic shapes; 1. Rod
Kingdom Monera Bacteria have three basic shapes; 2. Corkscrew
Kingdom Monera Bacteria have three basic shapes; 3. Spherical
Kingdom Monera Movement Motile – able to move Non-motile – Not able to move Growth Increase number rather then size
Kingdom Moneria Beneficial bacteria Rhizobium bacteria Located on alfalfa roots to change nitrogen from the atmosphere so the plant can use it. Nitrogen fixation
Kingdom Moneria Beneficial bacteria Majority of bacteria in the body are beneficial Intestinal tract is lined with millions of bacteria
Kingdom Moneria Harmful bacteria Many are Pathogens Pneumonia Diphtheria Leprosy Produce toxin that are harmful to the body.
Kingdom Moneria Antibiotics Chemicals that inhibit the growth of bacteria Penicillin – first antibiotic discovered from mold
Kingdom Fungi Fungi Non-motile Decomposers Do not photosynthesize Eukaryotic
Kingdom Fungi Habits; Must be around moisture Decomposers Types of Fungi Terrestrial Molds Mold found on old bread
Kingdom Fungi Types of Fungi Water Molds Water dwelling Club Fungi Mushrooms Sac Fungi Yeast- they produce CO2, this is what causes bread to rise.