VOLVOX : An algae
Volvox This photograph of Volvox is showing the complete hollow ball of cells. Note the smaller daughter colonies that are beginning to form within the parent body.
Volvox using a Light Microscope Notice the daughter colonies inside the main colony.
This photograph was taken with a X40 phase contrast and shows part of the outer sphere with a daughter cell just to the lower left of the picture. The arrow is showing the flagella that protrude through the colony to propel the Volvox through the water.
Stages of Volvox These next photographs were taken with a Leitz Othomat camera attached to a microscope. – Photograph (a) was taken with a X10 objective with a darkfield condenser in place. Photograph (b) is a medium power photograph of the edge of the coenobium showing individual cells and also newly forming daughter colonies. The last picture (c) is a low power photograph taken in bright field showing the numerous daughter colonies that are forming.
Your mission: To go and explore Volvox colonies never explored before. To find the: – Main Colony – Daughter colonie(s) – Flagella – Chloroplast