Revising your Rough Draft 1.Thematic Revisions 2.Structural Revisions 3.Descriptive Revisions 4.Sentence Level Revision (Editing)
Thematic Revisions 1.Write what your theme/point is at the top of your paper. 2.Read through your draft and identify how each paragraph or section supports and propels your theme. 3.Cut everything that doesn’t propel your theme
Structural Revisions 1.Identify the parts of narrative and figure out what’s missing. 2.Determine if the order you tell your story is effective. 3.Consider your pacing. 4.Check your transitions.
Descriptive Revisions 1.Avoid cliches like the plague 2.Balance sensory details 3.Use specific nouns and verbs 4.Check to see all details are contributing to the dominate impression and aren’t distracting
Editing 1.Check your verb tenses 2.Break for paragraphs 3.Format dialogue correctly 4.Title your story 5.Punctuation, Spelling, Grammar, Syntax