The Female Reproductive System Ovaries Produce ova, estrogen, and progesterone Medulla ~ nerves and lymphatic and blood vessels Cortex ~ ovarian follicles Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. Ovaries (2) Primary sex organs that are oval in shape and are located in the pelvic cavity Produce Ova – sex cells Produce female hormones, estrogen and progesterone Divided into Medulla - an inner area; Cortex – an outer area; contains small masses of cells called ovarian follicles Covered by epithelial tissue and dense connective tissue Female System
Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. Back
Ovaries and Ovum Formation Primordial follicles Primary oocyte Follicular cells Oogenesis Primary oocyte stimulated to continue meiosis At puberty Polar body Secondary oocyte Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. Primordial follicles Develop in the ovarian cortex before a female child is born. Each follicle contains A large cell called a primary oocyte (immature ovum) Smaller cells called follicular cells A female is born with the maximum number of primary oocytes she will ever produce. Oogenesis – process of ovum formation The primary oocytes divides and produce a polar body (a nonfunctional cell) and a secondary oocyte. Ovulation – the monthly release of a secondary oocyte from an ovary. When the secondary oocyte is fertilized, it divides to form a mature, fertilized ovum. Mature ovum contains 23 chromosomes and when combined with a sperm cell, the resulting cell contains 46 chromosomes. The process of meiosis begins before a female is born and is completed only if a secondary oocyte is fertilized. Ovum, if fertilized Released during ovulation
Internal Accessory Organs – Female Fallopian tube – oviduct Infundibulum and fimbriae Fringed, expanded end of fallopian tube near ovary Function to “catch” an ovum Muscular tube Lined with mucous membrane and cilia Propels ovum toward uterus Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. The female reproductive internal accessory organs are the fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. Fallopian Tubes Opens near each ovary, and the other end connects to the uterus. Infundibulum – ends in fimbriae, or finger-like projections Muscular tubes – propel the ovum toward the uterus using peristalsis and the sweeping motions of cilia. Internal Accessory Organs
Internal Accessory Organs – Female (cont.) Vagina Extends from uterus to outside body Rugae Wall ~ three layers Uterus Receives embryo and sustains its development Divisions Wall ~ three layers Learning Outcome: 32.3 Describe the organs of the female reproductive system and give the locations, structures, and functions of each. Uterus – hollow, muscular organ Fundus- upper domed portion Body – main portion Cervix The narrow, lower portion that extends into the vagina Cervical orifice – the opening of the cervix The wall of the uterus has three layers Endometrium – the innermost lining; vascular and secretes mucus. Myometrium – the middle, thick, muscular layer. Perimetrium – thin layer covering the myometrium; secretes serous fluid that coats and protects the uterus. Vagina – tubular, muscular organ Rugae – allow it to expand The wall of the vagina has three layers: An innermost mucosal layer that secretes mucus A middle muscular layer An outermost fibrous layer Vaginal os, orifice, or introitus – the opening of the vagina to the outside Internal Accessory Organs
Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. Back
External Accessory Organs - Female Mammary glands Secretion of milk Structures Nipple Areola Alveolar glands Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. Mammary glands are accessory organs of both the female reproductive and integumentary systems. Their reproductive function is the secretion of milk for newborn offspring. Mammary glands Located beneath the skin in the breast area A nipple is located near the center of each breast. Areola – the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. Each gland has 15 to 20 lobes Alveolar glands – make milk under the influence of the hormone prolactin. The hormone oxytocin (OT) stimulates lactiferous ducts to deliver milk through openings in the nipples. If a woman wants to breast-feed, she must produce adequate amounts of prolactin and oxytocin.
External Genitalia – Female Vulva Labia majora Adipose tissue and skin Form the mons pubis Labia minora Vascular folds of skin Form hood over clitoris Vestibule Bartholin’s glands Clitoris Contains female erectile tissue Rich in sensory nerves Perineum – between vagina and anus Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. The female external genitalia are collectively known as the vulva. Labia Majora Protect the other external female reproductive organs. The labia majora and mons pubis are typically covered in pubic hair in post- pubescent females. Labia Minora – between the labia majora Pinkish in color – high degree of vascularity Vestibule – the space enclosed by the labia minora Bartholin’s glands (vestibular glands) – secrete mucus into this area during sexual arousal. Clitoris – anterior to urethral meatus The perineum is the area that is sometimes “clipped” during the birth process, in a procedure known as an episiotomy. Female System
Erection, Lubrication, and Orgasm Nervous stimulation Clitoris becomes erect Bartholin’s glands activate Vagina elongates Orgasm Sufficient stimulation of clitoris Walls of uterus and fallopian tubes contract to propel sperm Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. During orgasm, the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes contract to help propel sperm toward the upper ends of the fallopian tubes.
Female Reproductive Hormones Hypothalamus secretes GnRH Anterior pituitary releases FSH & LH GnRH Stimulates Ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. The female secondary sex characteristics: Breast development Increased vascularization of the skin Increased fat deposits in the breasts, thighs, and hips. Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for development of secondary sex characteristics
Reproductive Cycle Menstrual cycle Menarche – first menstrual period Regular changes in uterine lining Shedding of lining and bleeding Menarche – first menstrual period Menopause – termination of cycle due to normal aging of ovaries Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. The female reproductive cycle is also called the menstrual cycle.
Reproductive Cycle (cont.) Anterior pituitary releases FSH Uterine lining thickens Ovarian follicle matures and secretes estrogen Lining more vascular and glandular Then releases LH Triggers ovulation Follicular cells become corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone Without fertilization Corpus luteum degenerates Estrogen and progesterone levels fall Uterine lining breaks down – menses starts Cycle begins again with release of FSH Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each.
produce estrogen and progesterone Apply Your Knowledge YIPPEE! True or False: ___ The ovaries only produce estrogen. ___ Ovulation is the process of ovum formation. ___ The fallopian tube is also called the oviduct. ___ The endometrium is the outer layer of the uterine wall. ___ Alveolar glands produce milk. ___Oxytocin induces the alveolar glands to deliver milk through the nipples. ___ Menarche is the termination of the menstrual cycle. ___ Menopause occurs due to normal aging of the ovaries. ANSWER: F produce estrogen and progesterone F Oogenesis T F inner layer T Learning Outcome: 32.3 Summarize the organs of the female reproductive system including the locations, structures, and functions of each. F lactiferous ducts F first T