Space Update MN SFS Ben J. Huset
SMART-1 European Space Agency (ESA) embarked on its first mission to the Moon on September 27th with the successful launch of SMART 1, the initial satellite in ESA's Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology campaign. The craft is not only designed to reveal secrets of our faithful companion; SMART 1 is also a platform for testing ESA's new spacecraft technologies. Among the advances are a deep-space navigation system and a laser communication link. A solar-powered ion engine will propel the satellite, much like NASA's Deep Space 1 Mission which flew past Comet Borrelly in 2001.
Mars Missions -- On Orbit Mars Global Surveyer 10,232 New MOC Images From August 2002 through February 2003 Released
New MGS Images MOC2-499a: Hellas "Taffy Pull" MOC2-499b: North Polar Dunes MOC2-499c: Valley near Phlegra Dorsa
Mars Missions -- On Orbit 2001 Mars Odyssesy Odyssey Orbiter Continues to Share the Adventure of Mars Exploration
More Odyssey Data This release includes data acquired as recently as this past March. It includes over 15,000 new infrared and visible images, as well as thousands of new measurements of gamma rays, neutrons, and charged particles Global Map of Epithermal Neutrons
Nozomi – Launched July 4, 1998 Arriving January 2004 Mars Express – Launched June 2 nd Arriving Dec 26 th 2003 Rover A – Launched June 5 th Arriving January 4 th 2004 Rover B – Launched June 24 th Arriving January 25 th 2004 Mars Missions -- in route
ISS-7 ISS-8 International Space Station Return Oct. 27 Launch Oct. 18
Star Quest Sept 27 th Radio City Recent MN SFS Activities
Relaxacon 2003 – Oct 17th - 19th, Lunar Eclipse Nov 8 th Partial Starts 5:32pm Total Starts 7:06pm Total Ends 7:30pm Partial Ends 9:04pm Nov. MNSFS Meeting – Nov 11 th Upcoming MN SFS Activities Eisenhower Observatory Onan Observatory U of MN