PowerPoint By: Chiamara Trifold Board By: Alyssa
The ocean has a wide range of temperatures from the almost 100°F (38°C) shallow coastal waters of the tropics to the nearly freezing waters of the poles. The freezing point of seawater is about 28.4°F (- 2°C), instead of the 32°F (0°C) freezing point of ordinary water. Source:
Some marine locations include: The Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean and last of all the Arctic Ocean. Oceans aren’t just part of marine locations; there are also lakes. For example the five Great Lakes of the U.S.A, which are Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario. There are also seas like the Red Sea or the Caribbean Sea etc. There are also rivers like the Amazon river and so on. Source: Stuff I learned in the past that I memorized. (In other words: The source was my brain)
It may be rainy, or possibly snowy over the marine ecosystems. There are different precipitations that happen. When it’s snowy the water may get cold. When it’s rainy there might be too much water in the pond, lake or river etc. So there are different possibilities for different precipitations.
Animals And Adaptations!!
Some marine mammals have blubber to survive in the cold water, but sea otters are unique because they don’t have blubber. Instead, they have fur more dense than any other mammal. Most people have ten times less than that on their heads! Source:http//kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/m arine.html
Jellyfish use tentacles with stinger cells to catch their prey, typically plankton and small fish. (The exact prey depends mainly on the size of the jellyfish.) The tentacles transport the prey they killed with their stingers to the mouth and the jellyfish promptly devours the animal. It is the same stinger cells that sting humans that venture too close. So jellyfish use their tentacles as their adaptation. Source:// facts.
Dolphins are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. One adaptation of a dolphin is its fin shape. A dolphin's fin goes up and down to help it dive up to get air (compared to a fish's back fin which moves side to side). The shape of their fins also helps to propel them through the water. Source:
Crabs actually have ten appendages (legs). Therefore they are known as decapods (deca = ten, poda = leg). It has a hard shell for the protection of the crab’s internal organs. The crabs eyes are on protruding eyestalks so that the crab can see front, back and sideways. Source:
Its first—and most amazing—line of defense is its ability to hide in plain sight. Adaptations for Survival: Arms…t hey are used to push off of the ocean floor, anchor itself in one place, and crawl over rocks and debris. Source:
Kelp grows in cold coastal waters. It is the largest marine plant in the world and can reach up to 250 feet. Kelp is also the fastest- growing plant in the world. Kelp is typically brown and lives on the surface of the ocean. It stays afloat with the help of small flotation bulbs that support it. Source:
Seaweed is a form of microscopic algae called phytoplankton that floats on the surface of the ocean, much like kelp. Seaweed has been harvested by humans for thousands of years as food, material for housing, rope and baskets. It is even used as medication. A surplus of seaweed can choke out coral reefs. Fish that eat seaweed help mitigate this problem Source:
Coral is not a plant; it is an animal organism. However, coral reefs get their color from the many species of algae that live on the surface of the coral. Coral polyps are translucent or white. Algae attaches itself to the coral and feeds the coral, which eats the nutrients created as byproducts of the algae's photosynthesis. Coral is also a carnivore; it has barbed tentacles that it can use to capture small fish. Though coral is an animal, it relies on a symbiotic relationship with algae to keep it alive. Source:
Phytoplankton is an important ocean plant, because it forms the base of the oceanic food chain. These microscopic plants feed many different types of sea animals, from tiny fish to some whale species. Phytoplankton is a type of algae and differs from most other plants, because it does not have roots, leaves or stems. It lives on the surface of the water and plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Phytoplankton absorbs and stores carbon dioxide from sea water; therefore, it helps to lower the ocean's carbon footprint. Source:
Sea grass grows in shallow water because it needs lots of sunlight. These plants have roots and live on the ocean floor. They are true flowering plants. Some types of sea grass are turtle grass, manatee grass and shoal grass. Sea grass provide habitat for small fish and other young marine life such as lobsters. These animals are able to hide from predators in the grass. Other reef fish feed on the grass.
Seasons of the marine ocean are the same as on land. They are spring, fall, summer and last but not least winter!!! Source: Stuff I learned in the past that I memorized. (In other words: The source was my brain)
Adaptations help organisms survive in their ecological habitat; adaptations can be anatomical, behavioral or physiological. Anatomical adaptations are physical features such as an animal’s shape. Behavioral adaptations can be inherited or learned and include tool use, language and swarming behavior. Physiological adaptations include the ability to make venom, but also more general functions such as temperature regulation. Source: