Spelling Sort 1 Inflected Ending - ed
Sometimes when you add ed the word requires no change If the base word ends in e you drop the e before adding the ed If the base word has only one syllable, you double the final consonant then add ed If the base word ends in y you change the y to i and then add ed
Started to begin or set out, as on a journey or activity The movie has already started.
Reached to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc. The boat reached the shore.
Laughed to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements He laughed at the funny clown.
Counted to check over (the separate units or groups of a collection) one by one to determine the total number He counted the chicken’s eggs.
Screamed to utter a loud, sharp, piercing cry The little girl screamed when she saw her new teacher.
Shouted to call or cry out loudly and vigorously Even though he shouted, the old man could not hear him.
Leaned to incline or bend from a vertical position She leaned out of the window.
Shaped to give definite form, shape, organization, or character to; fashion or form He shaped the clay into Mickey Mouse.
Raised to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate The silly boy raised his hand before the question was asked.
Pleased to like, wish, or feel inclined I was pleased with the score on my test!
Stared to gaze fixedly and intently He made me nervous when he stared at me.
Closed to become closed; shut He closed the door when he saw the bear coming.
Skated to glide or propel oneself over ice, the ground, etc., on skates The couple skated for 2 hours on the ice.
Shaded to produce shade in or on The tree shaded us from the sun.
Wrapped to surround, envelop, shroud, or hide He wrapped my birthday present yesterday!!!!
Grabbed to seize suddenly or quickly; snatch; clutch He grabbed the running backs jersey to make the tackle.
Shipped to send away He shipped his package using UPS.
Stepped to move, go, etc., by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position I almost stepped on that huge spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matted to become entangled; form tangled masses Her hair was so matted she could not brush it.
Swatted to hit; slap; smack She swatted the fly with her shoe.
Shopped to visit shops and stores for purchasing or examining goods We shopped until we dropped.
Buried to put in the ground and cover with earth We found the cat buried in the sand.
Married united in wedlock They were married on the beach.
Emptied to make empty; deprive of contents; discharge the contents of The garbage truck emptied our trash in the landfill.
Supplied to furnish or provide He supplied me with a new car to drive. Thanks!!!
Hurried to move, proceed, or act with haste We hurried inside because it started storming.
Replied to make answer in words or writing; answer; respond My mom replied to my text but it took forever.
Studied to apply oneself to acquiring a knowledge of a subject I studied all night for that math test!