Conclusion Paragraph: Step by Step
Introductory Paragraph Use this as a guide! Contains many of same elements! A conclusion paragraph is basically an upside down introductory paragraph. An introduction begins general and ends specific. A conclusion begins specific and ends general.
Step one: Transition Sentence (needed) Must have a transition from your final body paragraph.
Step two: Restate Thesis Can qualify as your topic sentence. Summarize what you said in your thesis statement. Summarizing what you said in your thesis statement suggests to your readers that you have accomplished what you set out to do. Do not simply restate your thesis statement! Rephrase the thesis statement with a fresh and deeper understanding.
Step three: Supporting Sentences Your conclusion paragraph is no place to bring up new ideas. Your supporting sentences should summarize what you have already said in the body of your essay. Your topic for each body paragraph should be summarized in the conclusion paragraph. Wrap up the main points.
Step four: Closing Sentence Should help the reader feel a sense of closure. Your closing sentence is your last word on the subject. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas. Propel your reader to a new view of the subject. End on a positive note. Your closing sentence should make your readers glad they read your paper.
“So what?” “Why should anybody care?” When you read a statement from your conclusion paragraph, ask yourself, “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Ponder that question and answer it.
PRACTICE!! For the final time, you are now being asked to write the third and final paragraph of our practice run: writ your own conclusion paragraph.