Logan Daniel
To find a parallel universe. To find out how other worlds/species have evolved to their environment.
Discover other life forms that have evolved differently and that we could learn from them.
The other explorations gave us the technology to be able to propel us into space and guide our way through space.
This exploration might help understand if the universe is done expanding or if the universe never ends or other life forms might be out there.
At first, I would send robots to find life on unknown planets. If there was life I would like to send humans to benefit from their knowledge.
To leave this universe to find other life. Explore a parallel universe. Find out if this universe ends.
We chose to fly-by because we are not sure if anything exists of if it is possible and a fly-by is the least risky.
Long distance camera, $3 million, if we found a planet we would want to take a picture of the whole planet. Stereo camera, $3 million, takes 3D images which we should take if we found a planet. Basic radar, $1 million, to take radar images of the surface. Advanced radar, $1.5 million, to know if the planets atmosphere is good to land or not.
Destination, $1,000,000,000. Fly-by, $0, risk factor-1. 30 yrs, $30,000,000, risk factor 6. Long-distance camera, $3,000,000. Stereo camera, $3,000,000. Basic radar, $1,000,000. Advanced radar, $2,500,000. TOTAL COST- $1,039,500,000.
If we could travel at light speed to another universe, would a human body be able to handle the pressure? What would you have to do to set up probes to rely the satellite signal or could a satellite teach that far? If there was a black hole or planet that had on immense gravitational pull, how would we get away from them? Would any planet have a good landable condition in case something goes wrong with our space craft?