LO: I will consider the falsification principle’s effect on religious language Hmk: Read Mark Vernon article on ‘The Via Negative’ before tomorrow’s lesson Starter: What is the difference between the ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ forms of the verification principle? Ayer distinguishes between verifiability ‘in principle’ and verifiability ‘in practice.’ It is not possible, he argues, that all scientific laws could be verified in practice, but that they could in theory.
Eschatological verification Hick claims that propositions concerning the nature of God, or indeed that there is a God, are in principle verifiable – after death – and thus remain meaningful. Hick believes he has satisfied the verification principle because he has thus specified under what conditions religious propositions could be shown to be true.
If I make a factual claim, but nothing could ever disprove my claim, even in principle, then the statement is meaningless. E.g. If your husband or wife claims to love you, what evidence would you accept to prove the contrary? If someone will not accept ANYTHING to disprove their wife/husband loves them, (physical or emotional abuse, unfaithfulness etc) the statement, ‘he/she loves me’ is then to be regarded as meaningless. Flew argues that since religious people will not accept any evidence against their claims, religious statements are meaningless…
Read Kirkwood article – pg 23ff – The invisible gardener
mer.html TASK: STAGE 1 - Research Read handout Make summative notes by answering Q’s 1-4 STAGE 2 – Share Find a partner Check and share Record added detail where need be 1.What did Flew mean by ‘a death by a thousand qualifications?’ 2.What does it mean to say that verification ‘dissolves in its own acids.’ 3.What parable does Basil Mitchell offer? What is the main point? How does this relate to the falsification principle? 4.What did Hare say about ‘bliks?’ 1.What did Flew mean by ‘a death by a thousand qualifications?’ 2.What does it mean to say that verification ‘dissolves in its own acids.’ 3.What parable does Basil Mitchell offer? What is the main point? How does this relate to the falsification principle? 4.What did Hare say about ‘bliks?’
What are your responses to the verification and falsification principles?
Students take the ‘hot-seat’ and answer questions from the class about the topic on Religious Language