Grendel, by John Gardner Written in 1970, published in 1971 The Beowulf story from the point-of-view of the monster
Writing Style Stream of consciousness Kenning: an Anglo-Saxon literary device that combines two words to give a third meaning, e.g. Whale-road for sea. Alliteration: a characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry
People Thane: a nobleman Scop: a poet who sang or recited epic poems either from memory or by making up verses. The original composer of Beowulf was a scop. Scribe: provides a written copy of a text. The Shaper: Grendel’s name for a character who resembles the scop, but brings in the Christianity of the scribe
Meaningless cycles repeat endlessly and mechanically 2. Taurus, the bull 3. Gemini, the twins 4. Cancer, the Crab 5. Leo, the lion The dragon tells Grendel “the truth” Bible stories define Grendel Solipsism: “I alone exist, nothing else.” Grendel is torn between dual visions of the world 1. Aries, the ram Grendel mocks the notion of heroism Meaningless cycles repeat endlessly and mechanically 6. Virgo, the virgin “Accident” vs. meaning 12. Pisces, the fish 7. Libra, the scales Wealtheow saves her people Beowulf arrives Anarchy, Machiavellian Religion Death: “We’re alone again. Abandoned.” 8. Scorpio, the scorpion 11. Aquarius, the water-carrier 10. Capricorn, the goat 9. Sagittarius, the archer
Links to Beowulf Style: kenning & alliteration Characters, setting, plot Songs the Shaper sings: The prologue to Beowulf Creation of the Earth Cain and Abel
Structure 12 chapters Each chapter covers one month in Grendel’s final year of life Each chapter features one sign of the zodiac The chapters bring us full circle from spring through the year, back to springtime, which offers both life and death
Chapter 1 Aries, the Ram, symbolizing lust and procreation – life Grendel sees death everywhere Everything is mechanical The Ram’s springtime lust Grendel’s springtime hatred The seasons
Chapter 2 Taurus, the Bull Grendel discovers solipsism: I alone exist Another thing that operates “mechanically” Grendel discovers solipsism: I alone exist Grendel’s first encounter with men: pattern-makers
Chapter 3 Gemini, the twins The development of dual visions of the world: Grendel’s observations, which show men to be brutal and wasteful The Shaper’s songs, which show men to be noble, and Hrothgar to be wise Grendel is torn between these belief systems
Chapter 4 Cancer, the Crab The Shaper sings Bible songs, which are also in Beowulf: Creation of the Earth Cain and Abel, which shows Grendel to be cursed Grendel attempts to claim kinship with humans, and they try to kill him
Chapter 5 Leo, the Lion, king of beasts (the dragon) Offers a rational, scientific vision of life Everything is just matter (dust) Dust forms patterns (sensitive dust, copulating dust) which are inevitably destroyed Echo of the Biblical “Dust thou art, and dust to dust returneth.” Defines Grendel’s role as the “brute existent”
Chapter 6 Virgo the Virgin Unferth responds to the challenge of the brute existent by acting the part of the hero Grendel mocks the idea of heroism: by throwing apples (symbolic of a loss of innocence) at Unferth By consistently sparing Unferth’s life
Chapter 7 Libra, the balance scales Wealtheow demonstrates true nobility by giving herself to Hrothgar to save the lives of her people Wealtheow has the power to forgive Unferth – but Grendel can never be forgiven Grendel threatens and humiliates her, but lets her live
Chapter 9 Sagitarius, the Archer Grendel tests the limits of religion Ork and the young priest are true believers Other priests care about: Doctrine (it is written that…) Appearances $$$
Chapter 10 Capricorn, the Goat The inexorable approach of death The death of the Shaper (“We’re on our own again. Abandoned.”) Loss of a sense of history – the past does not exist
Chapter 11 Aquarius, the water-carrier Beowulf arrives Grendel realizes that both he and Beowulf are mad
Chapter 12 Beowulf speaks the dragon’s words, but goes beyond what the dragon had said Grendel rejects the idea that anything – art, heroism, beauty, nobility – has any significance With his dying words, Grendel affirms the dragon’s vision and curses everyone to a life and death as meaningless as his own