Chapter 28 Conclusion: recent and emerging themes
Process theology Seeks to merge the findings of contemporary science with Christian thought. Whitehead ( ), Hartshorne ( ), and Cobb (1925-) are leading proponents. God’s existence and creation are not static, but dynamic. Open theism is a more conservative form of process theology.
Liberation theology Emerged in Latin America in the 1960s as a response to social ills encountered there. Orthopraxy is more important than orthodoxy to help the poor and oppressed. Black theology continues the themes of liberation theology.
Feminist theology Christianity emerged and flourished in a patriarchal society. Feminist theologians seek to appropriate the message of Christianity in non-patriarchal ways. Important themes: o Rethinking God language o Challenging the essential maleness of Christ o Advancing the roles of women in the church.
Global Christianity and Pentecostalism The future of Christianity is in non-Western countries. These countries emphasize the charismatic gifts and Pentecostalism. Because experience influences theology, it is expected that Christian thought will continue to develop.
Postmodernity Postmodernism: Tradition-mediated thinking is anti-rational, but we cannot escape tradition-mediated thinking. Possible responses to this: o All thinking (including thinking about God) is self- undermining and meaningless. o There is a universal rationality we can come to understand. o Tradition-mediated thinking is rational, because rationality is relative to communities.