Biological evolution refers to the change of living things over time
Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (12 Feb 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist who believed that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection. He contributed to evolution, he did not come up with the idea of it
Common Ancestor
Natural Selection is the theory that in any given generation, some individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce than others Survival of the fittest Ok sure. Natural selection may help explain the survival of species but it does not explain the arrival of species.
Reasons why creation is the logical truth
1. Evolution does not explain the origin of the universe 2 options for origin: No one created the world out of nothing (athiests/evolutionist) Someone created the world out of nothing (theists) * Can something be made out of nothing? Has anyone every made something out of nothing?
Evolution believes in spontaneous generation that a single cell of life began on its own. When evolution first started, Louis Pasteur was making progress on some very primitive microscopes. When they looked at the cell they called it a simple cell. -Now we have microscopes that are more powerful than the first simple microscope they had back then. Yet theres still no example of cells being made out of nothing. -the chances this being true has the same odds of monkeys typing up the encylcopedia, its just not going to happen We are surrounded by intelligence and design that it just makes sense that a Creator made His Creation. That’s the logical truth
These are metabolic pathways in your body These are metabolic pathways in your body. A bunch of chemical reactions that is needed to help you live. If you miss one chemical than everything is broken. This is all connected but if we are missing one chemical we have a big problem. Could a simple cell have evolved to this perfectly made biochemical pathway. No way! This is just one evidence of intelligence and design (which is God) These pathways occur within all living organisms in some form: Glycolysis Aerobic respiration and/or Anaerobic respiration Citric acid cycle / Krebs cycle (not in most obligate anaerobic organisms) Oxidative phosphorylation (not in obligate anaerobic organisms) If there was nothing in the universe to begin with, obviously nothing could happen to cause anything to appear.
Law of Biogenesis Spontaneous generation (the emergence of life from nonliving matter) has never been observed. All observations have shown that life comes only from life. This has been observed so consistently it is called the law of biogenesis. The theory of evolution conflicts with this scientific law when claiming that life came from nonliving matter through natural processes.
2. Law of Entropy Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society from order to disorder Anything left to itself without outside energy being put into it, it will fall apart
My backyard. If I don’t take care of it what will happen? Grass grows, get weeds..it will collapse over time. Anything left to itself will begin to deteriorate. Evolution teaches the complete opposite of what we scientifically see in the universe.
The orbit of the moon around the earth is slowly spiring further out every year. Based on that, if the earth has been here for billions of years as they say than where do you think the moon started? It was attached to the earth!
3. No transitional fossils found A transitional fossil is any fossilized remains of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendant group. If a reptile becomes a mammal, than where is a specie that has that transition? Where is a specie that is half reptile and half mammal?
the extreme rareness of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of palentology (study of fossils). The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches, the rest is inference (assumption, guess), however reasonable not the evidence of fossils.” Stephen J Gould was an American paleontologist and evolutionary biologist. He didn’t read a book and said this, this was his profession and yet after saying that he still believed in this. A wise man builds his house on a rock and the foolish on the sand.
How to date these fossils? -Based on the strata of earth where they find the fossils. If they’re deeper they’re older. -How do they date the strata (layers of earth)? Based on the fossils -Fossil based on strata, and strata based on fossils -Its circular reasoning Which came first the chicken or the egg?
4. Evolution does not explain the source of objective morality Existing of moral laws imply the existence of a moral law-giver Morality that is defined by nature/man can also be dismissed by nature/man Evolution Cannot differentiate between good and bad when you ask an atheist about where their sense of right and wrong came from, they might say culture. And what makes up culture? People, society. So that means if right and whats wrong was instituted by people than it can be dismissed by people. -I can say stealing is ok. I made up the rule originally that stealing is wrong, let me now say that stealing is ok. I can overrule it. But there is a moral law that didn’t come from me but it actually came to me. That’s why I feel compelled to obey them. And that we learn from Christ Himself
5. Evolution cannot explain intelligence from non-intelligence Macroevolution - A naturally occurring, beneficial change that produces increasing and inheritable complexity. Increased complexity would be shown if the offspring of one form of life had a different and improved set of vital organs. Microevolution, on the other hand, does not involve increasing complexity. It involves changes only in size, shape, or color, or minor genetic alterations caused by a few mutations. Microevolution can be thought of as “horizontal” (or even downward) change, whereas macroevolution, if it were ever observed, would involve an “upward,” beneficial change in complexity. We believe in microevolution. This happen in a short time. Macro occurs during a long time. ? -another example is dog breeding. if intelligent breeding meets genetic limits…how can non-intelligence exceed them? -if my intelligent breeding of dogs meeting genetic limits, how can you get a dog and a elephant and make them breed. How can intelligence meet limitation when non intelligence exceeds them and goes beyond from micro to maco. It makes no sense
6. Similarities among species We share 97-98% of dna with chimpanzees. Does this prove evolution?
Usa, germany, japan Similarites: inflated tires, front light, back light, motor, steering wheel, gas, speedometer..etc THAT’S A LOT OF SIMILARITES ii. All made in different factories. Motorcycles did not evolve into the car which then evolved into the truck. Why so many things in common? Bc they operate in the same environment. Bc we live in the same environment we have to have some similarities. Doesn’t mean one came from another. It means the designer said some things need to be in common.
What’s more complex, a car or a human? God made the creatures in the order of its complexity The air, waters, land, vegetation, sun, creatures of the air, creatures of the water, creatures of the land, Man, and then the most complex creature… Some people say well each day is really billions of years. Vegetation was on the 3rd day the sun on the 4th day. Vegetation survived from the sun!
7. Evolution cannot explain the purpose and meaning of life What Evolutionists say: “It is meaningless that we are born, it is meaningless that we die” “Life is a disease and the only difference between one man and another is the stage of the disease at which he lives.” How uplifting right? Is this not depressing? They think life has no meaning We don’t want you to believe in creation because the church believes in it. We want you to think for yourself and believe in it because that’s more logical. You were brought into this world for a purpose not on accident.
Our world was not designed by accident but created perfectly by God “You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. – Hebrews 1:10