Which aspect of suffering makes it hardest to deal with? 1.It didn’t need to happen 2.There is no point to it – it is just meaningless, destructive pain 3.It destroys peace, happiness, self-confidence, dignity, trust: it turns good people into bad 4.It leaves a permanent mark on your heart
Jesus, God’s answer to Evil To describe attitudes that “neutralise” evil To explain how Jesus transforms suffering To evaluate a case study where a person responds to suffering in a Christian way
a.Never forget the hurt done to you. b.Trust God to do justice for you. c.Take the law into your own hands d.Forgive those who hurt you. Do not think of their sins. e.Pray for God to punish those who hurt you f.Pursue a wrong, until justice is done g.Be meek (accepting of the evil done to you) 1.Write the bullet points in 2 columns – 1. actions that make evil worse 2.actions which neutralise evil **Which action is the most effective response to evil? Recipe to Neutralise Evil.
Despite doing your best to follow God’s teachings etc, you still suffer evil. What will transform evil ? What can take away its “sting”? Its destructiveness? Its pointlessness? Only a
“THEREFORE GOD SENT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD.” God suffered in Jesus. He took on evil, forgave evil- doers, made no come-back. But most important, he transformed evil. From now on, when we suffer, we are particularly close to Him. Suffering is no longer meaningless. It’s being like Jesus. From now on, the suffering person, like Jesus, brings the life of the resurrection into the world – freedom from evil and sin. Suffering now has a real value and importance. From now on, suffering can be for us a way to enter heaven, and share God’s glory. It is no longer destructive. 1.Explain 3 ways how suffering like Jesus can transform the destructiveness and pointlessness of suffering. 2.Does Jesus succeed in making evil something meaningful and valuable? **Does Jesus give a better meaning to evil than other answers eg Irenaeus’ (evil is to make us responsible?)
Why should a Christian with cancer not accept a lethal injection to end their suffering ?
Watch the Video: Anthony WalkerVideo The Evil 1.What is the situation described in this video ? 2.How does the mother respond “like Christ” ? 3.What benefits could this way of suffering bring ? BBC learning zone anthony walker Peace Like Jesus Way to God’s glory Bring life of resurrection into the world
Is Jesus the best answer to suffering? Job (God is great...no questions) Job’s friends (for our sins!) Augustine (our fault – Adam and Eve) Irenaeus (we need to grow up) Jesus (suffering has meaning in him…)