The end of all worldly goals are empty. Ecclesiastes 1:2
The poor live endlessly with hunger and thirst, along with minimal to no shelter. Many of the wealthy have “everything” yet are lonely and full of misery. Others live happy in this life but have nothing eternal to show for it. Solomon’s conclusion: all is vanity. Ecc. 1:1-2, Everything Here on Earth is Vain
and listen to the preacher as he offers counsel of eternal wisdom. Let’s “Gather Together”
Wants (pleasure). Ecc. 2:1-11 Stimulate body with wine (v. 3), Houses, vineyards (v. 4), gardens and parks (v. 5), ponds for a forest (v. 6), slaves and flocks (v. 7), collected silver and gold, (v. 8) provided entertainment (v. 8). …All his eyes desired he did. (v. 10) All was vanity and striving after the wind. V. 11 All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity
Wisdom. Ecc. 2:12-16 Wisdom excels folly. V Even though wisdom excels folly, both end in the same place. V. 15 Further, there was no lasting remembrance of the wise man. V. 16 All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity
Work. Ecc. 2:18-23 The fruit of a wise man’s labors it left to another, possibly a fool. V He gives his reward (earnings) – he earned through wisdom, knowledge and skill – to another who has not labored for it. In the end, such is meaningless. V All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity
Those who live to please God are blessed by Him. Ecc. 2:24-26 He receives wisdom, knowledge, and joy. V. 26 Conversely, to those who do not please Him, what he has is taken away and given to the one who pleases Him. Cp. Matt. 25:28-29 All Endeavors With God Are Profitable
We do not know the activities God has in store for our future. Ecc. 11 Therefore, spend your days toiling with a good and noble heart… and enjoy the fruit of your labors before God. Ecc. V. 6-8 Children, enjoy your youth. V All Endeavors With God Are Profitable
Remember, always keep God in your life. Ecc. 12 While enjoying life, do not forget your Creator…otherwise, all your labors are nothing but vanity. V. 1-8 Here is the simple conclusion (cp. V. 9-12): fear God and keeps His commandments. V All Endeavors With God Are Profitable
Brethren, consider your labors (wisdom, wants, and works) that all be done to your satisfaction and ultimately, to the pleasure (will) of God. Enjoy life in service to God, otherwise all is vanity. Conclusion