REGISTRATION PROCESS Begins on 13 July and ends on 23 September Process completed by end of September All learners must be placed by end of October
WAITING LIST “A” AND “B” Learners whose parents’ home address or work address is the closest to the school Learners from primary schools in the Geographical area Learners with siblings who are already attending the school. Waiting list B Learners who do not qualify in terms of waiting list “A” above
APPLICATION FORM Parents must complete an application form from the high school of their choice and return this form to the high school The placement of learners shall be guided by the criteria of first-come-first-served The provision of falsified information will lead to legal action being taken against the applicant and possible deregistration and consequent placement at relevant schools
PHASE 1 Meeting with Grade 7 parents Criteria for waiting list A: Learners whose parents’ home address or work address is the closest to the school Learners from primary schools in the Geographical area Learners with siblings who are already attending the school
PHASE 2 Only learners falling within these parameters will be placed on list A Those who choose to apply outside these parameters will be placed on list B
PHASE 3 Parents collect, complete and return individual high school forms to the high school Parents must receive a waiting list number when they return the application form to the high school
PHASE 4 High schools issue written acceptance/non-acceptance letters by 5 November
APPEALS School must provide reasons in writing when a learner has been refused admission. To be done by 5 November Parents must be provided with a District appeal form 18 - 19 November – Appeal forms submitted to D/o by applicants. All documentation must accompany appeal forms
APPEALS District director adjudicates and communicates outcome to parents 22 - 26 November - written responses to applicants Only thereafter appeal to MEC All documentation, including the director’s response, must accompany appeal form
MANAGEMENT PLAN Begins 13 July and ends on 23 September 8 October – All schools submit lists to D/o 12 – 22 October - District Director signs lists 25 October – Schools collect lists from D/o High schools issue written acceptance/non-acceptance letters by 5 November
MANAGEMENT PLAN 18 - 19 November – Appeal forms submitted to D/o by applicants. All documentation must accompany appeal forms 22 - 26 November - written responses to applicants 29 November – 3 December – Appeal forms to MEC Only thereafter appeal to MEC All documentation, including the director’s response, must accompany appeal form
DISTRICT OFFICE Munpen Building 78 Howard Avenue Benoni Tel: (011) 746 8000 Fax: (011) 746 8027