VOLUSIA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE District 5/ City of Port Orange Presented By: Ben F. Johnson, Sheriff Volusia County Sheriff’s Office
VCSO (DELTONA) / PORT ORANGE COMPARISONS VCSO/DELTONA PORT ORANGE Calls for Service 72,346 64,797 Crime Rate 3, ,441.3 Traffic Citations 9,041 8,446 Traffic Crashes 1,477 1,291 Reports Written 11,796 13,084 Square Miles Population (BEBR) 84,264 56,732 Median Age (Census)
LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS_____________ PATROL: 8 Sergeants 8 Sergeants 32 Deputies 32 Deputies 4 K-9 Units 4 K-9 Units TRAFFIC/ MOTORS: 1 Sergeant 1 Sergeant 4 Deputies 4 Deputies CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS: 9 Investigators 9 Investigators
PATROL Alpha Shift- 2 Sergeants 8 Deputies 8 Deputies 1 K-9 Deputy 1 K-9 Deputy Bravo Shift- 2 Sergeants 8 Deputies 8 Deputies 1 K-9 Deputy 1 K-9 Deputy Charlie Shift- 2 Sergeants 8 Deputies 8 Deputies 1 K-9 Deputy 1 K-9 Deputy Delta Shift- 2 Sergeants 8 Deputies 8 Deputies 1 K-9 Deputy 1 K-9 Deputy Four Shifts consisting of two Sergeants, Eight Deputies and one K-9 Unit per shift. Total of 44 Deputies to be paid for by the City of Port Orange.
TRAFFIC / MOTORS 1 Sergeant 4 Deputies Shall be responsible for day to day activities to include: Selective Traffic Enforcement Programs (S.T.E.P.) Selective Traffic Enforcement Programs (S.T.E.P.) Deployment and interpretation of the Metro Count Deployment and interpretation of the Metro Count School Zones School Zones Special Events Special Events Crashes/Traffic Homicide Investigations Crashes/Traffic Homicide Investigations Education and proactive traffic enforcement. Education and proactive traffic enforcement. These units will report to the Lieutenant assigned to Port Orange. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange)
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION: 6 Investigators (paid for by the City of Port Orange) Work cases in Port Orange; supervised by the existing D-5 Investigative Sergeant. (no cost to the City of Port Orange for Sergeant) 1 Investigator assigned to the Volusia Bureau of Investigation 1 Investigator assigned to the Eastside Narcotics Task Force 1 Investigator assigned to Internal Affairs * 1 Investigator assigned to Sex Crimes Unit * Internal Affairs blended into the contract rate after the first year.
ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT POSITIONS ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT POSITIONS 1 CAPTAIN: Serves as overall Command for District 5 to include Port Orange. (No cost to the City of Port Orange) 2 LIEUTENANT’S: 1 Lieutenant will serve as District 5 Assistant Commander working in Port Orange and available as necessary. (No cost to the City of Port Orange) 1 Lieutenant will serve as Port Orange Assistant Commander and liaison to the city. (Paid by the City of Port Orange) 2 OFFICE ASSISTANT’S: Share administrative responsibilities. 1 paid by the City of Port Orange; 1 at no cost to the City of Port Orange 1 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SUPERVISOR: After completing his/her School Crossing duties will also be available to perform administrative duties at the Port Orange District for the remainder of their shift. (No cost to the City of Port Orange)
ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT POSITIONS …cont’d 1 CRIME PREVENTION DEPUTY: Serves at the direction of the Lieutenant assigned to Port Orange. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange) 1 POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE DEPUTY (PAL) Serves at the direction of the Lieutenant assigned to Port Orange. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange) 1 VICTIM ADVOCATE: Serves at the direction of the Lieutenant assigned to Port Orange. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange) 3 RECORDS CLERKS: Assigned to VCSO Records Section to cover records, FCIC/NCIC entries/ validation for Port Orange. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange in the first year, thereafter blended into the contract rate)
ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT POSITIONS … cont’d: 1 EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN: Process and handle Port Orange Evidence and is assigned to VCSO Evidence Section. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange in the first year, thereafter blended into the contract rate) 8 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS: Assigned to VCSO Communications to cover additional dispatch duties for Port Orange Police and Fire. (Paid for by the City of Port Orange in the first year, thereafter blended into the contract rate) 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT: Will provide technical service to MDC, PC and Local Network platforms in the Port Orange District. (Position is paid for by the City of Port Orange in the first year, thereafter blended into the contract rate.)
Volusia County Sheriff’s Office Central Records Section During calendar year 2009 the Port Orange Police Department reported 13,084 incident reports. Based on this figure, the resulting additional workload would require that VCSO Central Records increase staffing by adding three (3) additional Records Clerks (Office Assistant III’s).
Existing Port Orange Police Department Reports: Where required for FCIC/NCIC, the original report would be moved and housed at Volusia County Sheriff’s Office Central Records. Reports pertaining to active investigations (Homicides, Sex Offenses, etc) would be scanned and maintained digitally. All other reports would be arranged by case number and boxed. The boxes will be stored off-site using the current records storage facility authorized through county purchasing. All Aboard Storage is the current facility. The storage fee is currently $0.65 (per box) per month of storage. There is also a $6.25 retrieval fee for each box/folder that is requested for return to the Central Records Section for any reason. Once returned, the item/contents of the storage box will be stored digitally and the storage costs for that item would no longer be required. The cost for maintaining these records will be determined annually based on the number of boxes required and the number of retrieval fees incurred. All future reports, where feasible, will be digitally stored.
RESPONSE TO CALLS FOR SERVICE 2009 POPD* VCSO** Priority 1 Calls 00:00:57 00:01:01 (Average Call to Dispatch) Priority 1 Calls00:04:40 (Average Dispatch to Arrival) Priority 2 Calls00:08:58 00:08:07 (Average Dispatch to Arrival) Priority 3 Calls00:10:13 00:10:18 (Average, Dispatch to Arrival) *Information per Mr. D. Bubb and Mr. Ken Parker’s letter of June 28 th 2010 **2009 Annual CAD Report for City of Deltona
ADDITIONAL SERVICES the blended or “weighted” hourly contract rate includes: VCSO ADMINISTRATION: Sheriff/Chief Deputy/Division Major Outside Detail Management Legal Advisor (7 days, 24 hours) Internal Affairs Inventory Evidence Communications Grant Management
…ADDITIONAL SERVICES the blended or “weighted” hourly contract rate includes: VCSO ADMINISTRATION: Information Systems Accreditation Records Management Volunteer Services – Citizens on Patrol / Citizen Volunteer Auxiliary Program Crime Analysis Public Information Office Training Section
…ADDITIONAL SERVICES the blended or “weighted” hourly contract rate includes: VCSO OPERATIONAL RESOURCES: Homeland Security S.W.A.T. Hostage Negotiation Special Services Section: AviationAviation K-9K-9 MarineMarine Dive TeamDive Team Bomb SquadBomb Squad RangeRange Traffic / MotorsTraffic / Motors
ADDITIONAL SERVICES the blended or “weighted” hourly contract rate includes: COUNTY SERVICES: Legal Services/Labor Negotiations/Litigation Risk Management Fleet Management – County and VCSO Personnel - County and VCSO Payroll - County and VCSO Purchasing – County and VCSO
VALUATION OF EQUIPMENT Methodology: Firearms priced as new Radios priced per Communications International information Fleet valued as: as new and equipped using FSA contract price KBB, Good with mileage assigned as 12,000 p/yr in Patrol, 10,000 p/yr in Criminal Investigation Division/Administration 10,000 p/yr in Criminal Investigation Division/Administration 3.Criminal Investigation Division civilian type vehicles valued at KBB, Good. 4.Motorcycles not valued in proposal 5.Other equipment (SWAT, Crime Scene) not available for inspection, nor valued. NOTE: Estimation only, until physically evaluated.