Targeted Drug Delivery to the Lung University of Sheffield EC funded COPHIT project CFX Ansys Areco Aventis....……………. INO Therapeutics.... University of Mainz.. UK France UK Austria Germany Partners
Outline What is targetted delivery? –– the COPHIT project Systemic model for whole respiratory system Validation –Inhaled Nitric Oxide –Inhaled hyper-polarised 3 He –Particles inhaled via dry powder inhaler
Inhaled drug delivery - I Obvious: lung diseases –Asthma – COPD – Cystic Fibrosis – Pulmonary Hypertension
Inhaled drug delivery - II New not-so-obvious therapies: –Diabetes - Insulin –Pain Management - Morphine –Multiple Sclerosis - Interferon Beta 1a –Osteoporosis - Parathyroid hormone –Infectious Disease - Antibiotics Lots of advantages but...
The metered dose inhaler The drug is dissolved in the propellent The actuation causes the drug to leave the device at 25 ms -1
Sub-optimal delivery...
…sub-optimal results Most of the drug impacts in the mouth The small amount in the lungs is distributed only in the proximal airways
Controlled Entrainment
Targeted Drug Delivery Controlled entrainment: Droplet/particle size Delivery timing Delivery duration …profiled to match the patient’s characteristics And is leading to a new generation of devices Processor-controlled Adaptive
Multi-variant Optimisation Hundreds of variables… Device characteristics Drug formulations Breathing patterns … How to optimise? Only by modelling…
Ideal Model Tell the model about… Device behaviour Drug characteristics Patient’s geometry, pathology, breathing It reports back on… Deposition Uptake Effectiveness
COPHIT: Project AIM To develop a comprehensive dynamic compartmental model that can track the progress of inhaled drug delivered from the device through the respiratory system and into the circulation…. …validated in man by MR-imaging with hyper-polarised 3-He, and other techniques Computer-Optimised Pulmonary Delivery in Humans of Inhaled Therapies
Complex Physiological System The airways - branching into several thousand pathways through more than 20 bifurcations The lung million alveoli where drugs can be taken up across the alveolar membrane
3D Device from CAD Model Compartments 3D airways to G8 from scans 0/1D compartments thereafter Variable pathologies G8: 2 8 =256 3D URT geometry from scans
3D geometries from medical images Fill in missing detail Segmentation of high resolution CT scans
Geometry reassembled
Automatic surface mesh created
Upper Respiratory Tract
Tracheo-bronchial tree…
…down to the 8th generation 1.34 million volume elements (tets) Time ~4mins on a 800MHz P3 requiring ~1Gb Ram WP3
Diseased airways
Flow and Deposition Analysis Full Navier-Stokes equations solved in 3D geometry Subject to certain boundary conditions Commercially-available CFD software package from partner –CFX 5.6 from CFX Ansys –Extra facilities for aerosol modelling
Transient flow: peak Re = 1200 t V
t V
t V
Massless particles in transient flow
t= s Upper respiratory tract: transient
t=0.8-1s WP3 Upper respiratory tract: transient
Validation – 5 Strategies 5 approaches to validation… –Gas – Sampled (INO Therapeutics) –Gas – MR Imaged (Mainz & Sheffield) –Aerosols, Medical – Imaged(Aventis) –Aerosols, Industrial – Analysed(Areco) –Powders – Scintigraphically Imaged(Aventis)
Particles – Scintigraphy images 3 different inhaled regimens (A,B and C) Scintigraphy images of inhaled radiolabelled dry powder and aerosol Deposition calculated (from images) as % of initial dose in –lung –oropharynx –oesophagus and stomach –exhalation filter –device
Particles – PK measurements Blood plasma concentration measured.
-Scintigraphy - Results –Regimen A: Eclipse™ at optimal inspiratory flow rate 50 L min -1 Eclipse™ optimal flow rate – 30% retention 24% initial dose26% initial dose
-Scintigraphy - Results –Regimen B: Eclipse™ at sub-optimal inspiratory flow rate 30 L min -1 Eclipse™ sub-Optimal flow rate – 50% retention 12% initial dose 26% initial dose
-Scintigraphy - Results –Regimen C: pMDI at optimal inspiratory flow rate 40 L min -1 pMDI Optimal flow rate – 9% retention 4% initial dose 7% initial dose
Particles Simulations – Device
Particles Simulations – Mouth 0.5 m 3 m3 m 7 m7 m 20 m 50 m
Particles Simulations – Mouth 0.5 m 3 m3 m 7 m7 m 20 m 50 m
Dynamic deposition
Quantification of deposition data - I
Quantification of deposition data - II
Quantification of deposition data - III 44% 28% 3%
Gas Sampled Artificially ventilated patients Experimental trials at INO Therapeutics
Resulting mass fractions of NO - III Coupled
Resulting mass fractions of NO - III Coupled
Resulting mass fractions of NO - IV Coupled
Comparison with trial results – I Five points of measurement are identified Trachea Right main bronchus Left main bronchus Right down lobe Left down lobe
Comparison with trial results – II
Gas – MR imaged Experimental trials at Sheffield
Gas – MR imaged maximum temporal resolution =5.4 ms 1L of 3He and Nitrogen breathed spontaneously from a bag gas composition = 300cm 3 3 He, 700cm 3 N 2 Experimental trials at Sheffield
Simulation results
Comparison with dynamic MRI - I
Comparison with dynamic MRI - II
Comparison with dynamic MRI - III
Software - processes
Easier to use front-end… Uses web driven software – EASA from AEA Technology All licensed software (e.g CFX etc) sits on a remote EASA server Application driven from client’s computer by web browser and EASA client software
Conclusions Comprehensive simulation tool developed Allow pharma companies to test devices virtually before human trial Enable clinicians to investigate specific pathological scenarios Limitations: –Validation –Models